
YOUR DONATION assists AWPC to work for Australian native animals, the habitat they need to survive and their protection from cruelty and exploitation.

AWPC is a non-profit, non-government-funded organisation that relies on the generosity of its members and people sympathetic to our work.

Donations over $2 are Tax Deductible.
AWPC is an Incorporated / not-for-profit Registered Charity ABN: 85 240 279 616.

For a receipt please click to fill in this form: AWPC Donation Form

Direct Deposits (our preferred method):

Direct deposits (EFT) can be made through your online bank account or at any Commonwealth Bank location.

AWPC account details

BSB:  063535
Account:  10090791

Please include your name as reference when making Direct Deposits, and complete this form for a donation receipt.  AWPC Donation Form

To donate using your credit card through our secure payment system —
click here 
Donate Online

Cheques: should be made payable to ‘AWPC Public Fund’.

Please post to:
Australian Wildlife Protection Council Inc.
PO Box 302, Bungendore, NSW 2621

Our email address:

IF YOU WISH TO MAKE A BEQUEST to help native animals

When making your Will, please use correct legal name: Australian Wildlife Protection Council (Victoria) Incorporated and its public fund AWPC Public Fund.

I give the sum of $……………… for protecting native animals from cruelty, all forms of exploitation, and for protection and restoration of native habitat essential for their survival.

This payment is to be made after all debts, funeral testamentary expenses, duties taxes and any charges payable on my Estate after my death.

(The account details are as above)

If needed:
The Australian Wildlife Protection Council is a registered charity ABN 85 240 279 616.



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