Author Archives: AWPC

How did we come to this?

AMONG THE HIDDEN histories of total land takeover and dispossession that followed colonial settlement of Australia, is the story of what really happened to Australia’s wildlife and how citizen champions battled for the voiceless. That history and those stories show how Australia came to officially promote country-wide kangaroo slaughter and an international trade in body parts — echoing what happened to the koala a century ago.  

Read it in Injustice, Hidden in plain sight …

(C) IPL ad screenshot

For your copy from booksellers in Australia follow this link to the author website:

FEATURE IMAGE: Outback ethos. Photo by herpetologist and defender of Australian nature, Eric Worrell, 1960s. AWPC used the photo in a newsletter commenting that the only change was that hunters no longer brought cameras.



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A vet speaks out and endorses ‘Injustice, hidden in plain sight …’


REVERED VETERINARIAN Dr Howard Ralph talks about Australia’s shameful habits of mistreating native wildlife, the situation worsened by habitat loss including from human-caused natural disasters — fire and flood. He has seen and combatted these impacts and worked tirelessly for the animals both on the ground and in the surgery.

In this video you’ll find on the AWPC YouTube channel, Dr Ralph introduces Maria Taylor’s book Injustice as must-read history of how we got to this critical time for Australia’s biodiversity and for kangaroos.

The book also showcases how things can be turned around with respect, and as people learn the benefits of co-existence with Australian nature (known by First Australians for a long time).

FEATURE IMAGE: Supplied Maria Taylor.




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Living with the nature of Australia


AWPC is starting a ‘Living with the nature of Australia’ campaign this year. To kick it off we are gathering inspiring stories from all sectors of Australian society where people are living peacefully and to mutual benefit — whether economic, creative or positive emotional — with the native wildlife and habitats around them. We’ll employ the social media platforms at our disposal, web, YouTube, Facebook to showcase these.

Stay tuned!

Here’s a feature story from Injustice  by author Maria Taylor that explores how Australians are already living harmoniously with their native wildlife and how all sides win.

> Sharing the land with Australian wildlife: a winning experience


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Co-existence with our wildlife, in any backyard


PEOPLE ARE SHARING off YouTube a series of delightful home videos featuring young magpies who have adopted families and individuals. Dogs also feature and there is a lot of fun with the playful magpies. The videos are said to have brought enjoyment worldwide to audiences anxious with human society and underscore the rewards of peaceful co-existence with our fellow animals on this planet.

Woman gives toys to a wild Magpie — and he invites his friends over to play

Danielle had just moved into her new home when all of a sudden, a wild magpie landed at her feet. He would follow her around and sit on her knee. Then, he brought his son over. Before long, 25 teenage magpies were playing in her yard!

Magpies sing along to harmonica (1977)

John Allen fed the magpies on his property every day. They repaid him by singing along with his harmonica playing.

Australian Magpie playing

Sqwark and Whiskey playing.

The unlikely friendship between a Gold Coast magpie and dog

They may not be birds of a feather, but this pair of unlikely friends have captured the hearts of thousands of people online.

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AWPC — 2021 AGM — Minutes of the Meeting

10.30am Saturday 27 November 2021

Returning Officer: Ian Higgins
Minutes: Carmen Ryan
Chair: Maria Taylor

1. Apologies.

Elizabeth Glasso.

2. Welcome by the Chair.

Attendees: Peter Hylands, Jan Heald, Cienwen Hickey, Maria Taylor, Ian Higgins, and Carmen Ryan.

3. Confirmation of the Minutes of the previous AGM (2020).

The motion was put to the meeting that the Minutes for the 2020 AWPC AGM be accepted.

Moved by Jan Heald.
Seconded by Peter Hylands.

4. Adoption of the 2021 Treasurer Report and Financial Statement.

Maria Taylor presented the report which she prefaced by stating that it was similar to the 2020 treasurer’s report in reflecting little activity as fund-raising was curtailed during the period of COVID lockdowns. She acknowledged committee members and others who donated their time and professional expertise to the work of the organisation as unpaid, in-kind support for the AWPC’s functions Treasurer’s report: Attachment A.  [AWPC members can request a copy via]

5. Confirm or vary the amounts of the annual membership fee.

The meeting agreed that the current membership fees remain unchanged in 2022.

6. Special resolution to change the rules of the Australian Wildlife Protection Council (Victoria) Incorporated.

The secretary outlined the proposed changes and reasons for the changes. Essentially the AWPC Rules document held by Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) had not been subjected to updates since 1986 when it was lodged as a scanned copy. These updates reflect the need to engage with digital platforms and to improve access by the public wanting to join the AWPC. The changes were detailed in a ‘special resolution’ paper and the process for notifying the membership was followed under the rules of CAV. Attachment B[HERE]

Discussion included the concern that older potential members may still need a paper-based application, how to determine the suitability of a new member and the need for any proxy voting form to be witnessed. The absence of a vice president’s position under current AWPC’s Rules was also discussed, and it was the view of two members present that this position should be reinstituted.

The Chair ruled that the vice president’s position be taken on notice for a future committee meeting.

Acceptance of changes to AWPC’s Rules moved by Cienwen Hickey
Seconded by Peter Hylands.
Carried unanimously.

7. President’s report.

Peter Hylands acknowledged the work of committee members and thanked everyone for their contributions. He spoke on items from his report and below is a summary of the activities undertaken by the AWPC in 2021. For the full report refer to the President’s Report at Attachment C[HERE]

The AWPC committee and AWPC members have engaged in the following activities in support of Australian wildlife:

  • education and advocacy including submissions to politicians, particularly in Victoria and in the ACT and federally about the escalating killing of kangaroos, biodiversity loss and policy, the plight of Australian birdlife, particularly duck shooting;
  • highlighting the plight of wildlife carers;
  • campaigns from NSW focusing on the use of native wildlife as petfood and co-existing with wildlife;
  • supporting state-based wildlife groups whether on behalf of kangaroo species including support with content for Kangaroos Alive on World Kangaroo Day;
  • providing information to community wildlife groups; and
  • liaison and support for international wildlife campaigns and organisations such as the Centre for Humane Economy in the United States.

Submissions by the AWPC have been made to government inquiries and the findings from the NSW Kangaroo Inquiry were shocking, as was the subsequent signing off of the kangaroo management plan for NSW by its environment minister, Matt Kean. Thirty percent of kangaroos killed for commercial gain in NSW and Victoria are female kangaroos, despite ongoing claims females are not targeted. Females are now shot in large numbers because the commercial shooters have now killed so many kangaroos and so seriously depleted male kangaroo populations, they need to kill more and more females to keep their activities going. Australian mammals and birdlife are targets (see report). In Victoria, one of many concerns, is the mass killing of Australian wildlife in State and National Parks.

Unanimous support by the meeting to circulate the report.

8. All current committee of management positions declared vacant and election of new members: President, Secretary, Treasurer, and ordinary committee members.

All positions were declared vacant by the Returning Officer Ian Higgins and nominees were re-elected unopposed:

President: Peter Hylands
Treasurer: Maria Taylor
Secretary: Carmen Ryan.

Other positions:
Committee member: Cienwen Hickey (elected unopposed).
New Committee member position: Ro Mudyin Godwin. Nominated by Cienwen Hickey and seconded by Peter Hylands.


Meeting closed: 11.15 am.


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The following is a letter from AWPC President Peter Hylands and a member of the Australian Wildlife Protection Council (AWPC) to the Victorian Government regarding Victoria’s proposal to greenlight a kangaroo meat processing facility. It presents some of the magical thinking of the state government in regard to kangaroo numbers.

WE ARE WRITING to express our strong opposition to the proposed commissioning of a kangaroo meat processing facility by the Campaspe Meat Company at the Tarnagulla Road abattoirs. We ask that you please take whatever action is open to you to ensure this proposal does not proceed.

In 2018 the Victorian government claimed there were 1,425,000 kangaroos in Victoria and that at 2020–21 this grew to 1,900,000 kangaroos. Since 2018 the Government has issued permits to kill 443,494 kangaroos and in addition to this it is conservatively estimated that 200,000 kangaroos perished in the 2019–20 fires. That is a loss of around 650,000 kangaroos since the beginning of 2018 off a base number of just over 1.4 million.

So almost half the Government’s own population estimate has gone in the period in which the government is today claiming a boom in population numbers. Given kangaroos reproduce at only 10% a year (in the most favourable climatic conditions) it is a biological impossibility for a 40 percent increase in numbers as the Government is claiming.

Contrary to claims that kangaroos are “over abundant”, we believe kangaroo populations are in serious decline as a result of the commercial killing of these native animals. We believe this is no more so the case than in Central Victoria. The proponents of this processing facility have stated they aim to process 2,000 kangaroos a week. On our estimates of kangaroo numbers in the Loddon region [around Castlemain] at that rate every single kangaroo in that region would be killed in 9 weeks.

Aside from decimating the region’s kangaroo populations and the associated cruelty and animal welfare issues surrounding the killing of these animals, this is clearly not a sustainable model. All that will result is the inhumane killing of one of the region’s key native species for the short term financial gain of a handful of people.

We would like to convene a virtual meeting with you to discuss our concerns in more detail.

We look forward to hearing from you.

— Peter Hylands, President Australian Wildlife Protection Council
Ian Slattery, Member Australian Wildlife Protection Council
31 August 2021

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