Demand that two men gulty of the torture and killing of a koala are given a stronger sentence

In an act of savagery, two men bludgeoned a koala, before burning it to death on a campfire in country Victoria. Camping on the Murray River near Cobram, one of them hit the koala with a machete to “separate it from a pet dog”. The other man threw the injured, but alive animal, on to a campfire, before burying its remains.
The suffering of this koala would have been unimaginable; their actions inexcusable. Koalas are defenceless, gentle, slow-moving and protected wildlife, iconic native animals of our country.
The two criminals were sentenced to confinement in a Youth Justice Centre for aggravated animal cruelty, a $250 fine each for disposing of protected wildlife. However, the sentence was softened, after an appeal! The two were thus sentenced to only 200 hours of community service! This is a “slap on the wrist” sentence.
We petition the Victorian Office of Public Prosecutions that the perpetrators of animal cruelty be sentenced much more harshly – to ensure justice, and to act as a strong deterrent.
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Thinking that a sentence of community service is a fitting punishment for this crime is a symptom of how out of touch the judiciary is with sociiety and its mores.
Killers are killers, whether they kill humans or animals. They deserve a fitting sentence, which is more than simply community service. How can you let them be free to more harm???
I am horrified by the light sentence these men were given in exchange for their barbarism. That poor creature, how he must have suffered.
Just give me the names of these criminals and I will travel to Australia and will put them to fire. After that they do not harm anyone anymore!! I will do it free of charge. Just give the names to me!!!!