Category Archives: Member News

A plague of myths


The AWPC’s  Kangaroo Campaign Lead Chris Lehmann has started firing off media releases to increase public awareness of Victoria’s and the whole country’s enduring demonisation and persecution of kangaroos — that has to stop. Here is what he had to say 9 November 2020.


THE COUNTRY WOMEN’S Association of Victoria Inc recently urged the Victorian government to support a major harvest of kangaroos due to their current ‘plague proportions’ (sic). This is recorded in meeting minutes from May this year (1).

“Talk of plagues should be relegated to COVID-19 and the like. Kangaroo populations have been decimated since European settlement, and the oft-quoted talk of ‘plague numbers’ is a relic colonial era belief entrenched in our culture”, Mr. Chris Lehmann (Kangaroo Campaign Lead, AWPC) said.

“We are yet to see kangaroos in numbers that are in large proportion to their environment; and we challenge anyone who claims to have a plague on their hands to prove it or desist from disinformation”, he continued.

Mr. Lehmann said — “The population counts for kangaroos are based on sampling plus dubious adjustment factors — the end result if an exaggerated official population number, which in turn means that very large numbers of kangaroos are currently being killed then causing the populations of these animals to decline rapidly. The population explosions being promoted by governments and others are not occurring. It may be that in this instance kangaroo populations are being displaced by development, mass shooting elsewhere, land clearing or other factors.”

For the region in question, very large numbers of kangaroos are already being killed in a most cruel manner.

In the LGAs of City of Greater Bendigo and Macedon Ranges Shire 11,042 and 14,626 kangaroos were killed under permits in the period 01/01/2017–31/10/2019. In the nearby Mount Alexander Shire in the period 01/01/2020–01/06/2020 permits were issued covering 945 Eastern Grey Kangaroos. In the period 01/01/2017–31/10/2019 186 permits were issued to kill 8,068 Eastern Grey Kangaroos.

Mr. Lehmann continued, “Our view is that an unacceptable number of kangaroos are currently being slaughtered in Victoria for pet food and soccer boots. We are talking about our national icon.”

“The kangaroo is on our national coat of arms … and we knock them off for dog food?”.

“We really want organisations like the Country Women’s Association (Bendigo Northern and Central Victoria branches) to do some research before presenting and seconding motions — as they did in their May 2020 meeting — calling on the Victorian government to slaughter even more of our precious national icons. We noted the vote was not unanimous”, he said.

CONTACT: Chris Lehmann — AWPC Kangaroo Campaign Lead
M: 0434 479 459

References: (1) State conference, motion by Bendigo Northern Group, May 2020.

IMAGE: © Maria Taylor.

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German supermarket chain Lidl has recently started offering kangaroo meat for sale in Croatia.


Sime Validzic is a long-term member of the AWPC and a generous donor to the cause of providing a voice for wildlife. Sime lived in Australia from 1970 to 1992 and returned to his country of origin because in his words: I did not wish to be part of a country in which there is large-scale destruction of natural habitats, logging of forests and extermination of native animals.

So, it was very alarming (for Sime) to discover recently that Lidl was selling kangaroo meat in in Croatia. He contacted the supermarket, and it is with his permission that AWPC is publishing his letter to Lidl. If you have family or other connections with this beautiful country, please also consider adding your objections.

Lidl CROATIA Pty. Ltd.


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to ask that you stop supporting the killing of kangaroos and that you stop selling kangaroo meat in your supermarkets.

Kangaroos and other native animals do not exist just to be killed by humans, but they have an intrinsic value and should be able to live in their homeland as they have done for millions of years.

Drought and the fires across Australia in early 2020 have devastated populations of kangaroos and other native animals. An estimated 1 billion vertebrate animals have died. It is unacceptable that kangaroos who survived the fires may now be killed for meat.

Great news! German supermarkets drop kangaroo meat

Killing kangaroos is cruel. Kangaroos are shot at night in the remote outback where nobody can monitor the shooting. The national ‘Code of Practice for the humane killing of kangaroos’ is voluntary and there are no penalties for not complying. Adult kangaroos are shot and dragged to trucks, struggling and still conscious. Some are still alive when their leg is cut open, a large hook inserted through the gash, and they are hauled up onto the truck. Their throats are slit and they bleed to death. Baby joeys are killed after their mothers are shot. The method of killing these baby animals is to chop off their head with an axe, or for them to receive a blow to the head with a heavy blunt instrument. Female kangaroos often have a joey who no longer lives in the pouch but still needs its mother for milk and protection from predation and to learn life skills. When a shooter intrudes on a family unit and shoots the mother, this joey hops away frightened and will die a slow death due to starvation, capture by a predator or being eaten by ants.

Kangaroo shooters kill the largest and physically superior individuals first since they are paid per kilogram. Over time, this weakens the population structure so much so that a smaller, genetically weaker species remains, which reduces its survival ability and strength. Killing kangaroos destroys the social group and causes suffering to the surviving members.

Killing kangaroos is unsustainable. Populations are estimated by flying aircraft over transect grid lines and then multiplying the number of counted kangaroos by various correction factors. Only a third of the area is counted each year, on a rotational basis. Kangaroos are mobile animals, but the count may be spread over three years. This means that an animal can be counted twice; hence it is possible to overestimate the population and therefore any quotas for killing purposes.

Six kangaroo species are already extinct with 17 more species listed as endangered or vulnerable. Australia has the worst record in the world when it comes to animal and plant species extinctions. The kangaroo slaughter is the largest massacre of wild land animals ever to take place in the world, like the massacre of the American bison at the end of the 19th century.

Kangaroo meat is not a healthy alternative to other meats due to contamination. That happens quite often due to the way kangaroos are processed in the wild. The shooter is not trained, nor does he have the ability to cleanly gut the kangaroo after spending a night shooting. Carcasses often contain worms and they are left wide open to contamination. That happens at temperatures which promote bacteria and pathogen growth. The chillers have been shown to be unreliable when it comes to keeping temperatures low enough to kill bacteria. Swab results revealed contamination of carcasses with the bacteria E. coli, Streptococcus and Staphylococcus.

Indigenous Australian Elders oppose the commercial killing of kangaroos and other native animals. Although Indigenous Australians hunted kangaroos in the past, there is no excuse to do it today because the present human population of Australia is about 100 times larger than it was before the white colonization.

Kangaroos could never replace more than a small percentage of present meat consumption because it would be necessary to kill the entire population of kangaroos in a single year for that. However, the healthiest and most sustainable solution is to replace meat with vegan food made from raw materials that are grown in Europe.

Offering kangaroo meat may attract a small number of customers but it will turn away many others who care about native animals.

As far as I know, no other supermarket chain in Croatia sells kangaroo meat. Supermarkets in Belgium have recently stopped selling kangaroo products and, hopefully, those in, other European countries will follow. All supermarket chains in Great Britain stopped selling kangaroo meat about 20 years ago but “Lidl” started selling it 8 years ago and there is a campaign by animal protection organizations to stop the selling of kangaroo meat.

I hope that you end your involvement in the slaughter of the native animals and stop selling kangaroo meat.

Yours sincerely
Sime Validzic

IMAGERY: Illustrative only.

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WITH THE WORLD now topsy-turvey and distressed in the grip of COVID-19 (not unrelated to human abuse of wildlife), we firstly wish all AWPC members to stay safe and hold our governments responsible for support through this pandemic. And here is a summary report on activities this quarter.

We’ve sent out the annual membership renewal notice (this section). We need your help, and commitment to rebuild the AWPC and conduct positive national campaigns in the next year. Post fire and with the ongoing government destruction policies (some of which cited on this website, sadly), the surviving wildlife needs us more than ever.

In the next year a goal is to build on this year’s awareness raising and lobbying against wildlife destruction with some positive campaigns. Some ideas include: a model for ecotourism with Indigenous communities; liaising with regenerative agriculture to show how respecting native biodiversity is a winning formula; reviving our education and publishing arm. We continue to campaign and also support international campaigns for Australia’s most persecuted native animal — Skippy the bush kangaroo and international tourist icon.

AWPC can take a strong part in rebuilding to a smarter, less colonial, more life-affirming political economy as we continue to face the twin existential threats of climate change and biodiversity loss. Let’s aim for that.

awpc-duck-SEASON-feature-may2020Since the beginning of the year, the AWPC committee (Peter Hylands, Chris Lehmann, Carmen Ryan, Maria Taylor), has been re-establishing an operating base, including the website here and a social media presence. As well, committee members have:

•  Lobbied governments in Victoria, ACT and South Australia, particularly on the disgraceful government continuance post bushfires of commercial and non-commercial kangaroo killing that continues unabated. Persecution of other common species including wombats, dingos, flying foxes, and native bird hunting has also been a focus of AWPC lobbying, letters and awareness raising.

AWPC works in tandem with progressive politicians particularly AJP and some Greens for greater impact. AWPC also prioritises working with other wildlife groups on any localised or national issue. There is strength in unity.

•  Supported — ie with listening and resources, contacts, media — people who have contacted us usually from rural communities. Often it has been distress at government programs including aerial baiting with 1080 poison throughout NSW public lands, and localised kangaroo killing in Victoria or concerns this is planned.

•  Made AWPC submissions to reviews of the Environmental Protection Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act; to the Parliament Enquiry into the Extinction Crisis in Victoria; to the National Code of Practice for the Shooting of Kangaroos and Wallabies for commercial purposes. Submission are available at the submission archive on the website top bar.

•  Developed a pilot social media campaign on AWPC facebook and Instagram aimed at speaking directly to the public. The campaign trialed the use of memes (main imagery above). The targets were the Canberra ACT kangaroo killing campaign in late June and July.

A short trial also focused on discouraging consumption for people or pets of Australia’s own variety of bushmeat, kangaroo meat — brought to us by a commercial industry. The memes received a lot of public take-up and are proving their use for awareness-raising and political pushback.

•  Worked with the US Centre for a Humane Economy to publicise their campaign exposing how the California ban on the import and sale of kangaroo body parts is being flouted. In this case the law has been broken by international sports shoe brands’ use of kangaroo leather for athletic shoes. Story is/will be appearing on this website for your information.

•  Travelled through and filed the AWPC archives. This has underscored 50 years of dedicated wildlife work by previous AWPC committees, campaigners and supportive Australians. The archive has yielded documentary evidence for my (Maria Taylor) soon-to-be published book on Australia’s colonial and embedded culture towards the country’s wildlife, and its deadly legacy — told through words and stories of heroes for the voiceless.


— AWPC EDITOR, Maria Taylor —

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KANGAROO a Love-Hate story: streaming now


KANGAROO a Love-Hate story  is now available on some major streaming platforms eg Google Play, iTunes, Amazon Prime, etc.

The film has been used effectively around the world for awareness-raising.

The story unveils the mass killing of Australia’s kangaroos to please farmers and for bushmeat, pet food and sports shoe leather.

Please share with your networks. We want to stop this nation-shaming slaughter of our national icon.

For more information:

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Please join the AWPC!

Become a member of the AWPC

THANK YOU for becoming or renewing as an AWPC member. This is a very real way that you are helping our precious fauna and supporting the work of the AWPC for wildlife across Australia.

Our membership and donors ensure we can continue our long-standing role as a national voice for wildlife, particularly in these very challenging times — continue educational and conservation projects, and continue to inform and consult with government agencies, non-government agencies and media. AWPC speaks out when injustices occur, and does not support government-sanctioned lethal management and commercial exploitation of wildlife, as now occurs.

We work together with like-minded wildlife organisations to protect our wildlife heritage and to promote sharing and healing and ecological understanding. Going forward, a goal is to focus on positive strategies that strengthen society’s appreciation for Australia’s unique wildlife and also secure homes/habitats for our remaining wildlife.

With AWPC you support compassionate stewardship of our wildlife on public and private land.

Membership: $20 full and $10 concession annually.  

Renewal notices at the end of the fiscal year.

How to become a member

Fill out the AWPC Membership Form and save file to your device.
— select the email address on the top of the form to open your email;
— attach your saved form;
— send email.
(payment options are included on the form).


Deposit your fee directly into our bank account
Account name:
Australian Wildlife Protection Council Inc.
BSB #:063535
Account #:10090791
Please use your name in the description field.


Pay online using our secure credit card payment portal.


Write to us with a cheque and your membership form:

Australian Wildlife Protection Council
PO Box 302
Bungendore NSW 2621


If you add a donation, any donation over $2 is tax deductible and we will send you a receipt.

The Australian Wildlife Protection Council is a registered charity
No. A0012224D
ABN 85 240 279 616


As a member you have voting rights at our Annual General Meeting held towards the end of every year. All are welcome. You will be updated on our activities through our website via Member News You are welcome to join in with ideas and actions.


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