Category Archives: Petition


Why this is important

The Dingo plays an extremely important role in our Eco-System.
Dingoes are in fact native.
They keep other herbivores in a natural balance…
In a natural environment, Dingoes prefer to eat rabbits, roos, ferals, introduced species etc..Not Stock… They “Do Not” kill just for the hunt, like so many ignorant people assume!!
a skinny dingo asking for food
Dingoes control kangaroos and suppress foxes and feral cats, as well as protecting pastures from overgrazing by “nuisance species”.
Dingoes are far from vermin and ecosystems with dingoes have better vegetation and abundant small native animals.
Baiting and killing dingoes could lead to more stock deaths!
Baiting dingoes fractures the pack dynamics and in turn causes hyperpredation and hybridisation, because dingoes are socially complex, they’re particularly sensitive to lethal control.
(images: Hungry dingoes begging for food on Fraser Island.  Photographer: Jennifer Parkhurst)


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Baird government ‘declares open season’ on native animals Contacts – Please write and oppose this proposed law

A licence to kill native animals has been labelled “red tape” by the Baird government and will be abolished, prompting warnings the move will declare “open season” on kangaroos, emus, wombats and cockatoos. He may have been celebrated for ending the cruelty of greyhound racing, but there’s no such consideration for native animals – they are just “red tape” to be eliminated!
The Office of Environment and Heritage  issued permits for 34 species, or a total of 145,550 animals and birds to be killed in 2015-16. This included more than 100,000 eastern grey kangaroos, almost 9000 corellas, 6500 sulphur crested cockatoos, 5500 galahs, 655 emus, 175 swamp wallabies, 113 wombats and 83 magpies.  Apparently these iconic native animals aren’t part of our “environment” or even “heritage” now?
(corella and galahs under the firing line)

The Baird government prepares to introduce a controversial Biodiversity Conservation Act to NSW Parliament this month.  Another blatant oxymoron, when this carnage will be a direct assault on any Biodiversity or Conservation!

“Those who seek to kill native wildlife will be able to do so with no oversight and little consequence.

“The approach suggested by the Baird government beggars belief; not only do they remove protections for killing native animals, they will also stop keeping records of how many are killed.”

The Royal Zoological Society of NSW has warned that removing the s121 licence would lead to the neglect of 75 per cent of the protected fauna in NSW!  The zoological types added that doing so would “abandon global-standard wildlife management practices” in NSW.


Scrapping the Native Vegetation Act and Threatened Species Conservation Act will not help nature in NSW.

It will be replaced by a so-called Orwellian-named Biodiversity Conservation Act that will apply many of the current tree destruction tools in the government’s armoury to the city and the country. The Native Vegetation Act, which has saved hundreds of thousands of hectares from the bulldozer and chainsaw, had scientifically based rules about what should be protected (red lights) or offset with integrity. But no more under this new legislation – you can buy your way out.  The aim is to simply further the short-term financial interests of big agribusiness and property developers at the expense of wildlife and communities. 

PETITION: Stop the Baird government declaring “open season” on our Native Animals.

Please contact the people below to vehemently oppose this proposed law. Your letter does not need to be long, just an outright opposal to this lunacy.

Things to consider. We are looking at mass killings across NSW. This will lead to locaslised extinction of some animals. For wildlife rehabilitators – what will be the point of what we do if the animals can easily be killed on release? Also, our rehabilitation licensing will most likely become null and void as our license sits under the same licence to “harm native animals”.

Mike Baird
NSW Premier Online contact form :… Email Manly Electorate Office : Phone Ministerial Office : (02) 8574 5000 Fax Ministerial Office : (02) 9339 5500 Phone Manly Electorate Office : (02) 9976 2773 Fax Manly Electorate Office : (02) 9976 2993

Luke Foley
NSW Labor Leader Email : Phone Minsterial Office (02) 9230 2310 Postal Address: Mr Luke Foley, MP Parliament House Macquarie Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Email Auburn Electorate Office : Phone Auburn Electorate Office : (02) 9644 6972

Greens NSW

Email :

Postal Address:

The Greens NSW
Suite D, Level 1
275 Broadway
Glebe NSW 2037

Phone : (02) 9045 6999


Australian Greens

Email :

Postal Address

Australian Greens National office
GPO Box 1108
Canberra ACT 2601

Phone : (02) 6140 3217
Freecall : 1 800 017 011
Fax : (02) 6247 6455

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Ban Ceremonial Balloon Releases Due To The Negative Impact On Marine And Wildlife

All released balloons return to the earth as litter, mostly in fragments, polluting both our land and seas. They, along with their attached ribbons, pose a huge threat to marine and wildlife as they resemble edible items to the animals.

When an animal ingests these fragments they are usually killed from the balloon blocking the digestive tract, leaving them unable to take in any more nutrients resulting in the animal slowly starving to death. Animals can also become entangled in the balloon and/or its ribbon rendering them unable to move or eat and again slowly starving to death.

Sea turtles are especially vulnerable to ingestion as they naturally pray on jellies which balloon fragments can easily be mistaken for. Six of the world’s seven species of marine turtle occur in Australian waters three of which are considered to be critically endangered.

Birds too are extremely susceptible to entanglement as well as many other animals. Penguins and even seals have been documented as being injured or killed by becoming entangled in a balloons ribbon.


(image: )

As balloon releases are becoming more and more prevalent in celebrations, memorials and at charity events it is vital now that laws be made to put an end to the deliberate littering of our environment. There are so many other ways to commemorate occasions than something as irresponsible as balloon releases. Even those marked ‘biodregadable’ can take months to years to fragment, during which time they are still rubbish, and still provide risk to wildlife.

Sign petition: Petitioning Minister for the Environment The Hon Greg Hunt MP to Ban Ceremonial Balloon Releases Due To The Negative Impact On Marine And Wildlife.

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Birdlife Australia: Long distance champions flying into extinction

8 May 2015

While the world celebrates World Migratory Bird Day this weekend, BirdLife Australia’s Threatened Species Committee has released grim news confirming that seven of Australia’s migratory shorebird species are on a trajectory to extinction.

Australian’s love the battlers, and small-time heroes. These little birds seem insignificant, but they are amazing travellers, facing all the torrents of winds, seas, currents but face increasingly hostile and dwindling safe landings.

“Once common species like Eastern Curlew and Curlew Sandpiper are now Critically Endangered with Bar-tailed Godwit, Red Knot and Great Knot not far behind”, says Samantha vine, Birdlife Australia’s Head of Conservation. In 30 years these birds could be gone forever, and perhaps most alarming is the fact that the once numerous and widespread Red-necked Stint has moved onto the Near Threatened list. Modern Australia, the land of mammal extinctions, is now repeating their “success” with migratory birds!

Read also a previous article on our website: Disappearing migratory shore birds

“This miraculous bird, (Red-necked Stint) no bigger than a sparrow, is capable of flying more than 20,000 km each year. But like other migratory shorebirds, it needs Australia, China, Korea and other Asian nations to work together to protect the rich mudflats that fuel its migration,” continued Ms Vine. If they don’t have a safe stop-over point for rest and food, they die of starvation!
(image: Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis), Winter Plumage, Ralph’s Bay, Tasmania, Australia)

BirdLife Australia is not going to let these birds disappear without a fight. They are calling on the Australian Government to do more to protect migratory shorebirds at home and in Asia. BirdLife has launched a petition asking Federal Environment Minister, Greg Hunt to develop:

        • A strong national wetlands policy to address the cumulative impacts of multiple threats to our shorebirds (the ‘death by a thousand cuts’); and
        • An ambitious strategy to engage our international partners in the protection of habitat important to the survival of our shorebirds.

Wetland habitat loss and degradation is a significant threat to migratory waterbirds, and the conservation of important sites both within Australia and along their migration routes is essential to their survival. Many pressures are contributing to this degradation, of which population growth and associated coastal development are of particular concern.

Housing has become a major industry in Australia. As a result, important habitat is being lost to port developments, housing and industry in Australia each year. But it will also put a spotlight on communities taking action to protect the wetlands and shorebirds they love.

Please sign the petition, Shorebirds in Crisis

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Call to the Victorian Government for an urgent review of the culling permit allocation.

Currently, there is LITTLE to NO consideration given to local ANIMAL RESCUE SHELTERS in the area when a license to cull is approved. This effectively means that as a group rescues, rehabilitates and then releases an animal, it can be LEGALLY KILLED the same day by a neighbor with an approved license to cull.

Environmentalists recently slammed a State Government decision to allow the culling of 60 kangaroos on an Otways property next door to a wildlife shelter and a national park.

The Environment, Land, Water and Planning Department issued a permit to “scare, disperse, trap or lethally control” 60 eastern grey kangaroos just weeks after a landowner moved to a Colac-Carlisle Road property.

The property shares a boundary with the long-established Carlisle River Wildlife Shelter and the Great Otway National Park, and previous owners had grazed cattle on the land for about eight years before the new owners bought the property.

This system is DEEPLY FLAWED and all of the power is with the person with the license to cull as there is currently NO dispute process for local residents or local animal rescue shelters to challenge this permit..

Therefore, we call on the Victorian Minister of Agriculture to review the current license allocation system to take into account surrounding properties and local animal rescue shelters when allocating a permit. Further, we request an option to allow local directly affected parties and rescue shelters to dispute the approval of a cull of nominated animals within their immediate vicinity.

“Two rabbits eat the same amount as a kangaroo and a cow with a calf at foot will eat as much as 30 kangaroos; DELWP should be required to explain to the applicant the dietary differences between kangaroos and cattle so that the applicant can be properly informed about the amount of competition for pasture that actually exists,” Wildlife carer Mr Anstis said.

Do they know how many rabbits, or kangaroos, are in Victoria? probably not!

Letter to
The Victorian Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford MP

Sign the Petition to Jaala Pulford, Victoria Agriculture Minister

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Conservation through Sustainable Use of Wildlife Conference -Dingo meat to Asia

From 30th August to 1st September 2016, the University of Queensland will be hosting a ‘Conservation
through Sustainable Use of Wildlife Conference’
, with 10 keynote speakers plus others. While the confer-
ence seems to be focused on conservation, many speakers will be discussing wildlife ‘management’, including wildlife ‘harvesting’.

The opening keynote address: ‘A sorry tale of sheep, kangaroos and goats’ sets the stage for the tone of the
conference. The Abstract for this session discusses boosting the economic value of kangaroo meat through effective marketing… ‘Kangaroos would be converted from pest to resource’. This assumes that kangaroos
are generally a pest, and does not recognise their intrinsic value in the environment.

Another presentation, titled: ‘Achieving pest control through sustainable wildlife use’ also explores the concept that certain species can seen as both a pest and a resource.

Our primary concern about this conference is the discussion section on Wildlife Trade and Commercial Use, particularly the session being presented by Ben Allen on ‘Creating dingo meat products for Southeast Asia: potential market opportunities and cultural dilemmas’.


(image: Jennifer Parkhurst)

It would come as no surprise to readers that the principal sponsor of the conference is the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia, along with the Queensland Government.

The NDPRP has had a two-fold response to this. Firstly, we started a petition, ‘Stop the promotion of a new
export market — Australian dingoes for Asian diners.’
The petition went live Monday 1st August, and generated 1,000 signatures every 24 hours for the first five days. We are currently sitting at over 6,000 signatures.

A fabulous response and a clear indication that the Australian public, and even people overseas, find the subject of the session abhorrent.

Secondly, the NDPRP plans to write to the Chancellor of the University, presenting the results of the petition, and calling for the session to be pulled. We will inform members of the results of this action via e-mail.

Dr Healy was guest speaker on ABC Sunshine Coast radio in Queensland, and was able to generate a great deal of interest on the subject on ABC’s face book page, receiving over 300 comments! Subsequently, the ABC uploaded the interview and you can listen to it here:

Most Australians find the eating of canines to be disgusting, and indeed the eating of dogs is not legal in Australia. A growing body of environmental research shows that the dingo is crucial to ecosystem health, and that our past removal of the dingo from the environment has contributed to serious environmental damage.

The proposal to kill and market dingoes to Southeast Asia for commercial gain is something the vast majority of Australians would find repugnant.

Australians believe that our native wildlife should be protected as our natural heritage, and that wildlife has an intrinsic value. This fundamental value is under attack by those who seek to exploit wildlife for profit.

These interests seek to overthrow established conservation philosophies with a distorted perspective based
on the commercialised harvesting of Australian wildlife – called the development of ‘sustainable’ wildlife harvesting industries. From this perverse perspective, the right of wildlife to exist is reduced to its potential to produce a commercial profit, and wildlife profiteers are promoted as ‘conservationists’.

Sadly, the commercialised destruction of wildlife is already established in some areas, as with the large-scale harvesting of kangaroos, and crocodiles, which were nearly hunted to extinction in northern Australia. Major public institutions are now involved in the promotion of the commercial harvesting of wildlife.

Please sign our petition to express your objection to the University of Queensland for hosting a conference of this kind, to the Queensland Government for sponsoring it, and to demand that the ‘dingo meat market’ session be cancelled.

Stop the promotion of a new export market — Australian dingoes for Asian diners


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