Category Archives: Petition

Stop the Sanctuary Cove Kangaroo Cull

Five star luxury resort Sanctuary Cove on the Gold Coast have elected to use lethal means to manage the Eastern Grey Kangaroo population, despite having used a non-lethal management program for the past 10 years which has shown good effect in reducing the population. Instead, they have chosen to opt for slaughtering the kangaroos in order to curb the population growth of Eastern Greys at Sanctuary Cove.

Surely Sanctuary Cove boasts the beauty of the Australian bushland as they show a picture of two kangaroos on their website home page. so how do they justify the culling of our much-loved native symbol? Is this ironic, or hypocritical, that they use this world-famous symbol to lure tourists to their resort?

Sanctuary Cove however, have failed to maintain the program as often as it was needed and have now opted to take the unethical approach of culling up to two-thirds of its 300-350 population.

Sanctuary Cove has ignored expert veterinary advice, as well as animal and environmental advocates’ calls for non-lethal methods to be used, and has instead opted to take the unethical approach of the cull. Sanctuary Cove states that they are only targeting the sick, old, injured and aggressive.. this is a lie!

Kangaroos on Sanctuary Cove precinct on the Gold Coast are highly valued by residents and visitors. Sanctuary Cove have been provided with an ethical solution to the manage the population. The initial culling of 100 Eastern Grey Kangaroos (with more planned) is cruel and unnecessary.

Concerns have been raised that the indiscriminate culling will have significant ramifications for the intricate social and family structures of the kangaroo mobs, and may result in a further increase in kangaroo-human conflicts at the resort.

Sanctuary Cove has failed to demonstrate that non-lethal methods are ineffective. Please sign the petition to call on the Minister for Environment to immediately withdraw the Damage Mitigation Permit. This is a cultural and attitude problem, not an environmental one!

Please sign this Petition to let the Sanctuary Cove management know that this is not acceptable.

(featured image: EGK on the Gold Coast, Queensland)

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Stop the West Byron mega-development:Petition


This project will overwhelm Byron. It is a massive 108 hectare estate that will increase the current population of Byron Bay – 9,000 people – by 25-30%.

Byron already has major traffic problems. It’s an area of low employment because jobs are few and there is no infrastructure in place to support this kind of growth. We want people to visit Byron and not get stuck in traffic jams all year round.

This project has been taken out of the hands of Byron Council (who recommended against rezoning the land for development) because it is a “major project”. The developers of the site are requesting that the Department of Planning and Infrastructure rezone the land so they can go ahead with this mammoth project

The area is also key koala habitat that if destroyed will mean the decimation of our beloved and shrinking koala population. There is no plan of management for Koala Habitat Protection as required by State Environment Planning Policy.

Three-quarters of the site has acid sulphate soils which become toxic when drained.

Byron is unique among NSW’s coastal towns and its character is what brings people here. If that essential small-town relaxed community feel goes and is replaced by yet another Gold Coast-style over-developed crowded mess then everyone loses – visitors, business operators and residents.

Unfortunately koalas have faced a number of threats to their survival which has resulted in significant declines to their population across their range. This decline has resulted in the listing of koalas as a Vulnerable species under both the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and Federal Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. One of their biggest threats is urbanisation!

Don Page, you’re our local member. Please stop the despoiling of Byron Bay now!

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Swift parrots diving into extinction: logging to blame

Study: Swift Parrot Population May Decline Up To 94 Percent In 12 To 18 Years.


Sugar gliders are being blamed for the grim numbers, but researchers are ready to do what it takes to save the swift parrot. The study found that “when sugar gliders prey on the swift parrot nests in areas where there was high forest loss, 83 percent of the time the animals ate the eggs and mother.” In some cases, the mortality rate could be as high as 100 percent. So, it’s all about cause and effect, and increasing competition for dwindling resources.

Researcher Dejan Stojanovic said the research found if nothing changed, the bird’s population would decline by as much as 87 per cent.

Across southeastern Australia, the forests and woodlands where swift parrots live have been converted to farmland, swallowed by urban sprawl and been chipped away by logging.

These processes are well known to drive the decline of forest wildlife, but until recently, we didn’t fully understand the subtler effects of deforestation on swift parrots.

The Conversation: Sugar gliders are eating swift parrots – but what’s to blame?

They are very light birds, weighing about half as much as a banana – which is lucky, because they fly ridiculously long distances during winter, to forage for food and to escape the Tasmanian winter. These are tiny, kaleidoscopic technicolour parrots fly all over Australia, but come back to breed in the forests of Tasmania.

They may be going to the way of the dodo, researchers say.

Environment Tasmania said information documents revealed evidence of the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) that approving logging in parrot breeding habitat despite strong scientific advice against activity in the areas. The DPIPWE departmental group also advised that logging was “… likely to interfere with the recovery objectives of the species”.

Parrot breeding habitat had already been extensively logged over recent years and that made remaining patches of swift parrot breeding habitat more important. They migrate from the Australian mainland to Tasmania to breed each spring, swift parrots rarely reuse the same nesting area in successive years. They nests are most abundant in old growth forests, but finding nests for research demands an intensive annual search across the east coast forests of Tasmania.

“Everyone, including foresters, environmentalists and members of the public will be severely affected if they go extinct,” said Professor Heinsohn from the ANU Fenner School of Environment and Society.

Swift parrots are major pollinators of blue and black gum trees which are crucial to the forestry industry, which controversially continues to log swift parrot habitat.

Making things go from bad to worse, Forestry Tasmania is considering selling nearly 40,000 hectares of hardwood plantations, after the Tasmanian Government gave it the green light to sell assets. Selling hardwood plantations would force Forestry Tasmania to log more native forests, which would “drive to the brink” endangered species like the swift parrot and the masked owl. Native species are now no more than collateral damage in the quest to capitalize our our natural heritage, and resources.

Mr Roderick from Birdlife Australia
estimates there are three to four hundred regent honeyeaters remaining, making it and the swift parrot the two most endangered of a whole suite of threatened woodland birds.

A recent Wilderness Society report has found Tasmania’s Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) is failing to protect forests and wildlife. Spokesman Vica Bayley said so far the agreement had been a failure. “We are still logging critical habitat for species such as the swift parrot,” he said.

Help save critically endangered Swift Parrots and Regent Honeyeaters in the Hunter Valley!

Urge the Tasmanian government to protect the endangered swift parrot to save it from extinction

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