Category Archives: Dingo Issues

Australia to Kill Goats Using Self-Destructing Dingoes

MBekoffMarc Bekoff Ph.D. Animal Emotions Australia to Kill Goats Using Self-Destructing Dingoes New Zealand plan is to exterminate all introduced predators and other animals July 25, 2016
New Zealand’s comprehensive plans to kill millions of animals challenges conservation psychology and anthrozoology.
How do we react to New Zealand’s plans to kill millions & millions of animals using the most egregious, inhumane methods other than to wish t it were a very bad dream. However, it isn’t, It’s time to make the world aware of their killing ways. My l inbox this AM was overflowing with messages about New Zealand’s plans. It was then I realized it was a real plan supported with a good deal of pride by some New Zealand wildlife “managers” and others. The emails were from professional biologists and other interested and infuriated people from all over the world. What I read was utterly sickening. It wasn’t a bad dream. And, it was in stark and stilling contrast to my previous essay called “United Nations Harmony with Nature Stresses Justice for All.”
“Death row dingoes set to be the environmental saviour of Great Barrier Reef’s Pelorus Island”: Using time bombs to kill dingoes, reads the headline of an ABC news article by Dominque Schwartz (read more about this plan and sickening quotes by the killers here). Her essay begins: A Queensland council is releasing dingoes onto a Great Barrier Reef island to kill feral goats that [sic] are destroying its endangered ecosystem. The four wild dogs, two of which [sic] have already been released on Pelorus Island, will not have a chance to become pests themselves, as they’ve been implanted with a time-activated poison, Hinchinbrook Shire Council said. it turns out that these self-destructing dingoes are being used in sort of a kamikaze-like mission.
This reprehensible plan led by father- son dingo experts Lee & Ben Allen, who take pride in their killing ways. In Ms. Schwartz’s essay we also read some interesting words from  Hinchinbrook Shire Council Mayor Ramon Jayo, namely, “This is nature. The dingo is a predator, the goat is the source of a dingo’s affection, so we believe that, yeah, just put nature together and that’ll sort out the problem.”
Mr. Jayo fails to note that the dingoes are desexed and pre-loaded with a capsule of 1080 poison that will then kill them if they don’t die of natural causes. So, this reprehensible slaughter is hardly putting nature together.  And, to quote the heartless Ben Allen:
“The plan is: dingoes wipe out goats, we come back and humanely shoot those dingoes ’cause they’ll have tracking collars, so we can find out where they go. If for whatever reason we can’t come back and shoot them, well then those little time bombs’ll go off.” (my emphasis)

Of course, Mr. Jayo fails to note that the dingoes are desexed and pre-loaded with a capsule of 1080 poison that will kill them if they don’t die of natural causes. So, this reprehensible slaughter is hardly putting nature together.
It gets worse. Hinchinbrook Council’s Matthew Beckman notes, “Once this island is successful, it will set the platform for many other island managers to follow through and carry out similar projects.” What a deplorable model for youngsters and future conservation biologists. Now for an “exciting”, “ambitious” “world-first” plan from NZ to exterminate all introduced predators
I next learn of another essay by Eleanor Ainge Roy: “No more rats: New Zealand to exterminate all introduced predators.” The subheading reads, “Possums, stoats and other introduced pests to be killed in ‘world-first’ extermination programme unveiled by PM.” Notes Prime Minister John Key, “Our ambition is that by 2050 every single part of NZ will be completely free of rats, stoats and possums.”
We further read, “Existing pest control methods in New Zealand include the controversial and widespread use of 1080 aerial poison drops, trapping and ground baiting, and possum hunting by ground hunters (possum fur has become a vibrant industry in New Zealand, and is used for winter clothing). Emeritus Professor of Conservation Mick Clout from the University of Auckland said he was ‘excited’ by the ‘ambitious plan’ which if achieved would be a ‘remarkable world first'”.
New Zealand youngsters are imprinted on killing animals
You can read all about these exciting and ambitious plans all over the web. And, please keep in mind that this killing mind-set seems to be set in motion early in life as New Zealand youngsters are encouraged to kill wildlife as part of school programs (please see, for example, “New Zealand Kids Kill Possums for Fun and Games” and “Vermin hunt benefits school”).
New Zealand’s killing ways challenge conservation psychology, anthrozoology, and compassionate conservation: Cruelty can’t stand the spotlight
I’ll let people draw their own conclusions on the ethics and ecological impacts of New Zealand’s killing ways (please also see Tony Orman’s “The Self-Poisoning of New Zealand by Name and by Nature” in which he asks, “Why then does New Zealand persist on such an illogical course of ecological insanity?”). However, I do want to emphasize that there clearly is a great need for humane education in New Zealand’s schools.
In addition, the attitudes of the people who advocate killing, using doomed death row dingoes among other inhumane and brutal methods, provide a gold mine for researchers in conservation psychology and anthrozoology, both of which interdisciplinary fields are concerned with human-animal relationships. And, the growing international field of compassionate conservation could also help get the discussion going in non-killing directions (please see, for example, “Compassionate Conservation Meets Cecil the Slain Lion“). Indeed, there is a Centre for Compassionate Conservation at the University of Technology, Sydney.
Mr. Orman also writes, “1080 is a cruel unethical poison – 1080 is a slow acting poison, non-selective, and taking 24 to 48 hours or more to kill an animal – Dogs go through agony in dying from 1080 poison. So do wild deer and farm stock such as horses, cattle and sheep.” He also notes, “1080 by its nature is not just an animal poison – it is an ecosystem poison.” So much for the “claim of ‘clean and green’ used to promote exports.”

Along these lines, what I find utterly astounding and deeply disturbing is the incredibly detached and utterly cold attitude of the people behind the killing, with not a word of compassion, empathy, or sympathy being voiced. I’m glad I’m not their dog.

A few people asked me what they could do and all I could say is that there surely are other places to visit on holidays, and they also could rather easily spread the word globally because, as the late and incredibly passionate animal advocate, Gretchen Wyler, once wisely said, “Cruelty can’t stand the spotlight.” Nor should it.
Note: After writing this essay I learned of another essay titled “New Zealand Grants Human Rights to a Former National Park.”
Marc Bekoff’s latest books are Jasper’s Story: Saving Moon Bears (with Jill Robinson), Ignoring Nature No More: The Case for Compassionate Conservation, Why Dogs Hump and Bees Get Depressed: The Fascinating Science of Animal Intelligence, Emotions, Friendship, and ConservationRewilding Our Hearts: Building Pathways of Compassion and Coexistence, and The Jane Effect: Celebrating Jane Goodall (edited with Dale Peterson). The Animals’ Agenda: Freedom, Compassion, and Coexistence in the Human Age (with Jessica Pierce) will be published in early 2017. (Homepage:; @MarcBekoff)

Marc Bekoff is a former Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and is a Fellow of the Animal Behavior Society and a past Guggenheim Fellow.

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Why this is important

The Dingo plays an extremely important role in our Eco-System.
Dingoes are in fact native.
They keep other herbivores in a natural balance…
In a natural environment, Dingoes prefer to eat rabbits, roos, ferals, introduced species etc..Not Stock… They “Do Not” kill just for the hunt, like so many ignorant people assume!!
a skinny dingo asking for food
Dingoes control kangaroos and suppress foxes and feral cats, as well as protecting pastures from overgrazing by “nuisance species”.
Dingoes are far from vermin and ecosystems with dingoes have better vegetation and abundant small native animals.
Baiting and killing dingoes could lead to more stock deaths!
Baiting dingoes fractures the pack dynamics and in turn causes hyperpredation and hybridisation, because dingoes are socially complex, they’re particularly sensitive to lethal control.
(images: Hungry dingoes begging for food on Fraser Island.  Photographer: Jennifer Parkhurst)


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Conservation through Sustainable Use of Wildlife Conference -Dingo meat to Asia

From 30th August to 1st September 2016, the University of Queensland will be hosting a ‘Conservation
through Sustainable Use of Wildlife Conference’
, with 10 keynote speakers plus others. While the confer-
ence seems to be focused on conservation, many speakers will be discussing wildlife ‘management’, including wildlife ‘harvesting’.

The opening keynote address: ‘A sorry tale of sheep, kangaroos and goats’ sets the stage for the tone of the
conference. The Abstract for this session discusses boosting the economic value of kangaroo meat through effective marketing… ‘Kangaroos would be converted from pest to resource’. This assumes that kangaroos
are generally a pest, and does not recognise their intrinsic value in the environment.

Another presentation, titled: ‘Achieving pest control through sustainable wildlife use’ also explores the concept that certain species can seen as both a pest and a resource.

Our primary concern about this conference is the discussion section on Wildlife Trade and Commercial Use, particularly the session being presented by Ben Allen on ‘Creating dingo meat products for Southeast Asia: potential market opportunities and cultural dilemmas’.


(image: Jennifer Parkhurst)

It would come as no surprise to readers that the principal sponsor of the conference is the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia, along with the Queensland Government.

The NDPRP has had a two-fold response to this. Firstly, we started a petition, ‘Stop the promotion of a new
export market — Australian dingoes for Asian diners.’
The petition went live Monday 1st August, and generated 1,000 signatures every 24 hours for the first five days. We are currently sitting at over 6,000 signatures.

A fabulous response and a clear indication that the Australian public, and even people overseas, find the subject of the session abhorrent.

Secondly, the NDPRP plans to write to the Chancellor of the University, presenting the results of the petition, and calling for the session to be pulled. We will inform members of the results of this action via e-mail.

Dr Healy was guest speaker on ABC Sunshine Coast radio in Queensland, and was able to generate a great deal of interest on the subject on ABC’s face book page, receiving over 300 comments! Subsequently, the ABC uploaded the interview and you can listen to it here:

Most Australians find the eating of canines to be disgusting, and indeed the eating of dogs is not legal in Australia. A growing body of environmental research shows that the dingo is crucial to ecosystem health, and that our past removal of the dingo from the environment has contributed to serious environmental damage.

The proposal to kill and market dingoes to Southeast Asia for commercial gain is something the vast majority of Australians would find repugnant.

Australians believe that our native wildlife should be protected as our natural heritage, and that wildlife has an intrinsic value. This fundamental value is under attack by those who seek to exploit wildlife for profit.

These interests seek to overthrow established conservation philosophies with a distorted perspective based
on the commercialised harvesting of Australian wildlife – called the development of ‘sustainable’ wildlife harvesting industries. From this perverse perspective, the right of wildlife to exist is reduced to its potential to produce a commercial profit, and wildlife profiteers are promoted as ‘conservationists’.

Sadly, the commercialised destruction of wildlife is already established in some areas, as with the large-scale harvesting of kangaroos, and crocodiles, which were nearly hunted to extinction in northern Australia. Major public institutions are now involved in the promotion of the commercial harvesting of wildlife.

Please sign our petition to express your objection to the University of Queensland for hosting a conference of this kind, to the Queensland Government for sponsoring it, and to demand that the ‘dingo meat market’ session be cancelled.

Stop the promotion of a new export market — Australian dingoes for Asian diners


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Demonizing Dingoes on Fraser Island is criminal – Hans Brunner

Fraser Island provides the last opportunity to secure the protection of pure- bread Dingoes. It is therefore our obligation to look after them as we look after elephants, tigers, lions, rhinos,monkeys etc. While we spend millions of dollars on these exotic species we not only neglect our on iconic dingoes, we actually demonize them and especially so on Fraser Island.

a very skinny dingo-tiny

(image: very skinny dingo Jennifer Parkhurst photographer)

These dingoes need to be looked after and as well fed as all the exotic animals in zoos and wildlife sanctuaries are.

Well fed dingoes will not need to beg for food from tourists and will leave them alone. All the so called trouble by dingoes is only caused because of their plight of mal- nutrition and the constant persecution by public staff.

Therefore, the protection of the Fraser Island dingoes must be the ultimate top priority, long before any other activities, while tourism should be the absolute, bottom last. If there is any better controlling needed on the island it must be the tourists and definitely not the dingo.

((aia skinny dingo looking for food from fisherman

(image: Fraser Island hungry dingo looking for food from a fisherman- Jennifer Parkhurst photographer)

(featured image: dingo searching for food on Fraser Island- Jennifer Parkhurst photographer)

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Dingo hater illegally and callously poisoned 6 on Fraser Island

To State National Parks Minister, Steven Miles


How many QPWS rangers have been prosecuted for shooting Fraser Is. dingoes? Especially in 2001. Does starving Fraser Is. dingoes to death, count as killing them?

I see that dingoes can be fed bait, s. 40 Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002.

What if I want to entice a dingo out into the open to take a photo, and give him a feed. I.E. bait him. What is the definition for ‘bait’?

Colin Candy, Childers Q 4660



Six dead dingoes found on Fraser Island showed signs consistent with poisoning before their deaths, preliminary test results show.

The dingoes’ carcases, including one that was buried in a shallow grave, have been recovered from around the island’s Orchid Beach area since Friday and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service has launched an investigation into the matter.

The weapon used, it is understood, was sodium monofluoroacetate (1080).

According to animal liberationists the use of this chemical causes a protracted and agonising death but authorities say it is a target-specific poison and its use has become widespread. It is registered in Queensland for the control of wild dogs, feral pigs, rabbits and foxes.

Save Fraser Island Dingoes spokesman Ray Revill said the six dingoes could be related.

“There’s a strong possibility it’s a family of dingoes from the Eurong area – one of them was tagged,” he said. “I don’t know what their mentality – it’s probably a strong hatred of dingoes. There are people around who do have a strong hatred,” he said.

“Each and every one of these dingoes presented with the same pathology that was consistent with poisoning, each one had human-sourced food in its stomach and each one was a young, healthy dog with no other signs of serious injury,” Dr Miles said.

Queensland National Parks Minister Steven Miles said
“The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service will pursue all avenues in this investigation to establish just what has happened and who is behind these killings.

“Any individuals found to be involved can expect to be pursued to the maximum extent possible under the law.”

Dr Miles said anyone with information should contact police on (07) 4127 9150 or email

The maximum penalty for killing dingoes on a protected area is $353,400 or two years’ in jail but in this case other penalties could potentially apply.

Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services regularly kill dingos that behave “aggressively”. The latest incident involved a 19-year-old tourist being bitten on the thigh at the beach at Eurong Township on August 16 last year.  The month before, a woman was bitten on both legs by the same dingo while taking photos on the beach.  The 2013 Fraser Island Dingo Management Strategy Review details that there were up to 100 dingo attacks recorded between 2002 and 2012.

Considering that Fraser Island is the last stronghold of pure Dingoes, it seems that QPWS is more interested in human whims rather than understanding dingo behaviours, and being able to maximise tourism.  More should be done to protect, feed, promote and separate the animal/human contacts.


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Hunting Dingoes, Logging Koalas, Pounding Plovers, and Heeding Dr Seuss

On 26 October, the Andrews Government announced a ‘bounty’ system—members of the public will now be offered a reward of $120 for every dingo or wild dog killed.  There is deep concern over the impact of a bounty on Victoria’s threatened dingo populations, as well as potentially counterproductive impacts on livestock protection.
Dingoes and wild dogs were previously targeted strategically—in areas where farmers were experiencing stock loss problems. In contrast, the bounty system applies to very large areas—over half of the relevant public land in eastern Victoria is subject to the bounty—regardless of whether livestock protection is required.

The potential impacts of a bounty program are acknowledged, with departmental terms and conditions recognising:

-Dingoes often occur in areas inhabited by wild dogs, appear morphologically similar to wild dogs and are extremely difficult to differentiate from wild dogs. This means that wild dog control programs have the potential to directly impact on dingoes[i].

-The key issue is poorly informed members of the public unnecessarily killing dingoes and dingo hybrids and subsequent disruption of pack structures—believed to result in changes to territorial boundaries and increased risk of hybridisation and stock loss.

-The bounty system is fundamentally out-of-step with our changing understanding of the place of the dingo in the Australian landscape.
Historically, farmers viewed the dingo simply as a pest responsible for stock loss and associated financial and emotional stress. This perception was reflected in government regulations, where the dingo was classified as a pest to be killed or controlled across both public and private land.

More recently, understanding and evidence has grown to recognise the dingo as a top order predator in the Australian environment, providing an overall benefit to biodiversity and ecosystem function [ii]. Research indicates that dingoes can reduce fox and cat numbers, resulting in stronger, healthier populations of small native mammals, as well as regulating kangaroo numbers and their impact on native vegetation.


(image: Wikimedian Commons: Look at me Dad

In 2008, the Victorian Labor Government listed the dingo as threatened. In consultation with a variety of stakeholders, the government catalysed a re-framing of the dingo’s place in Victorian ecosystems and set out a path to balance dingo conservation requirements and stock protection. This decision reflected a growing appreciation around the globe of the role of top predators in the environment, such as the reintroduction of the grey wolf to Yellowstone National Park in the United States [iii].
Then, in a damaging policy development, the subsequent Coalition Government introduced a bounty scheme on dingoes and wild dogs. The bounty was in place from 2011 to 2015, when a re-elected Labor Government abolished the bounty.
And now, in October 2016, we find the Minister for Agriculture, Jaala Pulford, reintroducing a dingo and wild dog bounty scheme. It is highly concerning the Environment Minister, Lily D’Ambrosio, who has responsibilities towards the conservation of Victoria’s dingoes, has not yet been seen on this issue.

Resolving this issue will require the engagement of both ministers and a balanced approach between dingo conservation and livestock protection, where education and information is provided across both management objectives. Allowing, or indeed encouraging, the public to kill wild dogs and dingoes on public land driven by livestock protection objectives is really only providing half the picture and is setting the dual dingo conservation/stock protection program on a path to failure.

It now appears the Andrews Government has lost its way, and is taking a regressive step towards failure for both dingo conservation and a balanced resolution of conservation and farming interests.
More information

[i] Terms and Conditions of Collecting the Bounty (2016) Agriculture Victoria website Accessed 13 November 2016
[ii] Letnic M, Ritchie E and Dickman C (2011) Top predators as biodiversity regulators: the dingo Canis lipus dingo as a case study. Biological Reviews 87(2): 390-413
[iii] Summary
– See more at:

(featured image: Dingo Portrait at

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