Category Archives: Koala Issues

NSW guilty of koala habitat vandalism

Sent to:
Minister for Environment, NSW Gabrielle Upton,
Premier of NSW, Gladys Berejiklian

Dear Premier and Minister,

I am writing on behalf of the Australian Wildlife Protection Council, a group that’s been in operation since 1969 as a voice for wildlife, and issues relating to their conservation and welfare.

We are horrified and deeply concerned to read a report in the media about annihilation of koala habitats. Freedom of information request by North Coast Environment Council (NCEC) exposed that the state-owned corporation, Forestry Corporation, has conducted “unauthorised” clearing and intensive logging across 74,906 hectares of public native forests between Coffs Harbour and Taree since 2006! So this covert operation, illegal and lethal, has been allowed to continue for over a decade without intervention?

Documents show clearing of koala habitat

How are we meant to be assured that wildlife in Australia have ANY legal protection or status when such blatant and long-term vandalism is allowed? Surely this can’t be covered-up for such a long time with collaboration between logging industry and government?


NCEC spokeswoman Susie Russell said: “Public native forest has been cleared and converting it to quasi-plantation. What is meant to be multi aged forests, with diverse under-stories, providing habitat for a plethora of native animals, is being converted into younger and younger regrowth where the under-storey is bulldozed bare.”

So public native forests have now transitioned to an industry resource, rather than being “public” and a reserve for rightful inhabitants- native animals?

“Many animals, including koalas, need the resources provided by older trees to survive.” How would we survive if bulldozers were allowed to demolish our homes, and leave us without food or protection? She said that about one in every three hectares of forest cleared was high quality koala habitat, according to the mapping recently released by the Environment Protection Authority.

“Now we can see why koala numbers have declined by 50 per cent on the north coast in the last 15-20 years.”

This is an appalling case, of koala genocide in the name of $$$ – in a country famous and renown as a leading mammal exterminator!

WWF say that once the habitat has been redeveloped, that this brought new threats to the koala, such as more cars, more dogs, “more accidents waiting to happen for koalas.” So “redeveloped” habitat is a grotesque euphemism for vandalism of habitat, of destruction by bull-dozing?

Numbers of koalas are down 53 per cent on average in Queensland, 26 per cent in NSW and in a pocket ironically known as the Koala Coast, numbers have declined by 80 per cent over the past two decades. What sort of nation are we, to just kill off so callously, for short term profits , the animals we are famous for?

WWF has warned of “localised extinctions” if more was not done to stop development encroaching on koala habitats. “Government has to bite the bullet and put in strong protections, not just for koalas but for all our wildlife,” conservation manager for WWF, Dr Taylor, says!

Extinction is not an event, but a process – and each tree cleared, each patch of habitat destroyed, means fewer koalas!

We demand a response to this horrific situation, and ask to put an end to land clearing in NSW. We demand higher levels of protection to all wildlife – especially koalas.. Indigenous wildlife should not have to justify their existence, or be priced out of their homes and lives!!

Thank you
Vivienne Ortega, secretary AWPC
Eve Kelly, Treasurer
Sheila Newman, Policy adviser, and Evolutionary Sociologist
Michael Bayliss,
President, Sustainable Population Australia Victorian and Tasmanian branch
PO Box 556
Hawthorn 3122

Dr. Ernest Healy
President, Protectors of Public Lands, Victoria
P.O.Box 197 Parkville 3152

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Pacific Highway to bulldoze through koala habitat, thanks to new “Environment” Minister Josh Frydenberg

A nationally significant koala population could be wiped out within a couple of decades after the federal government approved an upgrade of the Pacific Highway that bisects a key colony, environment groups say. Josh Frydenberg​, the new “Environment” and Energy Minister, approved the four-lane expressway’s new route near Ballina on the NSW North Coast on July 19.

Despite taking the reins of the environment portfolio only hours earlier, the Minister saw fit to approve the Ballina Koala Plan, effectively signing the death notice of Ballina’s 200 koalas.

IFAW is dumbfounded as to how the newly appointed Minister could have had time to adequately consider and take into account 10 years’ worth of science, concerns and submissions presented by scientists, koala ecologists, international conservation experts, the Ballina Shire Council, and the local community.


The Woolgoolga to Ballina project will upgrade about 155 kilometres of highway. The project starts approximately six kilometres north of Woolgoolga (north of Coffs Harbour) and ends approximately six kilometres south of Ballina. Advice from the Federal Government that the Ballina Koala Plan and Koala Management Plan have been approved, enabling the Woolgoolga to Ballina Pacific Highway upgrade between Broadwater and Coolgardie to proceed.

LEADING Australian koala expert and ecologist Steve Phillips has spoken out about the impact on koala habitat from construction of the Pacific Hwy.  Mr Phillips said RMS had underestimated the numbers of koalas that will be displaced by the road construction process. He claimed RMS was failing to acknowledge more than 50 per cent of food trees currently being used by resident koala populations along the route.


(image: Three consortia have been shortlisted to tender for the contract to deliver the final 155 km of the Pacific Highway upgrade between Woolgoolga and Ballina.

The RMS have chosen the longest and most destructive route option and clearly will say anything to get their own way. There is no u turn on extinction, why not just widen the existing highway and avoid the koalas altogether? Too logical to comprehend?



In 2014 Minister Hunt demanded that a whole lot more work be done to justify the route and mitigation measures. He required RMS “to undertake, and have peer reviewed, population viability modelling for the Ballina koalas considering the impacts of the proposed route (and other routes or additional mitigation measures as appropriate).” His Statement of Reasons makes it clear that he invited the fullest range of considerations to be presented. But despite the avalanche of scientific evidence that the koala population will not survive, the obvious solution of moving the route, either in part or totally has been ignored by RMS.

Dr Phillips said the koalas should be translocated, but that would not be allowed. “Translocation means that we would pick up the animals that are being affected quite carefully, and we would resite them and re-home them very carefully,” he said.

Federal “Environment” Minister Josh Frydenberg has issued a statement about the issue, saying the highway upgrade would have a positive outcome for the Ballina koala population. It said 140 hectares of revegetation would create new habitat, and linkages with existing habitat would be improved. Dr Phillips said it was not more habitat the koalas needed but more of the trees they currently feed upon because they are susceptible to stress.

“You can’t have a declining population and then expect to plant a whole bunch of trees and for a bunch of animals to miraculously appear out of nowhere and colonise it; it just doesn’t make sense,”
he said.  Clearly this “environment” minister knows nothing of koalas!

“In the report I sent to the Federal Government, I gave them one example of a re-tweaking of the alignment in the existing area which would avoid those two population cells and very demonstrably result in a zero impact on the population,” Dr Phillips said.  “But what we’re looking at is an alignment that has not moved one centimetre.

JoshFreyenberg(image: Josh Frydenberg- a slave to big consortium road-builders and malignant freeway “growth’)

With bulldozers about to move in, residents are using the images of their native neighbours to convince the state and federal governments to move the route of the proposed highway around 700m in two sections. Koala experts and locals say the upgrade of “section 10” of the notorious highway near Wardell will sound the death knell for three local koala populations with the road ploughing through the middle of known habitat.

With the local koala populations already in decline, ploughing a highway through the middle of known koala habit would fast-track the population’s rate of extinction, Dr Phillips said. Koalas are extremely territorial and quite often die from the stress of being translocated. “You can’t mitigate against extinction,” said Josey Sharrad​, campaign manager for the International Fund for Animal Welfare, noting research by ecologist Steve Phillips found the colony may last only 20-25 years once the road is built.

It is totally unacceptable to destroy koala habitat in this day and age.  The state’s koala population is already listed as Vulnerable and is steadily declining at an unsustainable rate. If Australia wants to retain the $3+ billion annually in koala tourism we have to invest a bit more in keeping wild koala populations safe and healthy.



IFAW Petition: Australia’s Ministers fail Ballina’s koalas.



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Petition:Protect koala habitat in an effort to better ensure koalas will not die off.

Koalas are declining in rapid numbers because the trees where they spend a majority of their time are being quickly chopped down.

Roads are being built where there were once trees, increasing the risk that the animals will be hit by cars. In addition, when houses are built in place of the trees that once covered the particular land, the animals are in greater danger of being attacked by the dogs of the people who now live in the newly built houses.

Up here in Queensland and New South Wales, they’ve got koalas that are declining rapidly, population’s dropping off the face of the Earth right on their doorstep and we’re not able to do anything about it, seemingly. In South East Queensland, the human population is increasing by more than 1000 people a week. This rapid population growth and increased need for houses is placing considerable pressure on the limited remaining koala habitat.

Currently, about 80 percent of the koalas’ habitat is almost completely ruined due to human encroachment. Only a small portion of this land is now protected. This is ironic when one considers that the koala is a protected species. Yet, because the koala’s habitat is constantly being destroyed, about 4,000 of these animals are killed by cars and dogs every year.

The human population of the narrow strip between Noosa and the Gold Coast – South East Queensland’s “200km city” – will swell by 2.2 million to 5.5 million in 30 years. It’s all part of the “big Australia” policy! That extra development will finally get rid of koalas in SE Queensland, something governments been working very hard to achieve for decades. Massive immigration coupled with a PM who doles out infrastructure funding not on need but only to those who follow his radical political ideology on asset sales.

Urge officials to protect larger areas of the eucalyptus forests where these animals live in order to help save them. If we don’t do something now, koalas may soon have no place in the wild that solely belongs just to them.

Sign the Petition

The Redlands koala population, estimated in 1999 to be 6,200 animals, has plummeted by approximately 75% (in 15 years). The koala was recently listed by your government as ‘vulnerable’ in Queensland with South East Qld suffering the greatest loss of koala numbers.
Habitat loss (to property developers and infrastructure) is the greatest threat to the koala’s survival followed by disease, vehicle strikes and domestic dog attacks.

On Line Petition to save koalas in the southern area of Redlands

Since European settlement, hundreds of species have become extinct in Australia, including at least 50 bird and mammal, 4 frog and more than 60 plant species. It is likely that other species have disappeared but without our knowledge. Many other species are considered to be threatened and are listed under Australian Government legislation as endangered or vulnerable. More than 310 species of native animals and over 1180 species of native plants are at risk of disappearing forever.

As long ago as 1994 the Australian Academy of Sciences advocated a maximum population for Australia of 24 million, a figure we are fast approaching and will soon exceed. In 2010 the National Institute of Labour Studies at Flinders University looked at different levels of net overseas migration – from zero up to 260,000 p.a. – and found that all levels lead to worryingly unsustainable positions, which worsen the higher the levels become.

(featured image: koala dead at Redlands- Queensland government)

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Please proclaim the Great Koala National Park!

Minister for the Environment, Minister for Heritage, and Assistant Minister for Planning The Hon. Mark Raymond SPEAKMAN, SC MP
Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Lands and Water The Hon. Niall BLAIR, MLC
Please proclaim the Great Koala National Park!

Dear Minister Speakman and Minister Blair,

In signing this petition I am writing to express my concern over the alarming decline of koalas in NSW and to pledge my support for the Great Koala National Park. I strongly believe that this park is the best chance we have of securing a future for this iconic species in NSW.

Koala numbers have plummeted by a third in just 20 years and habitat loss, due to land clearing and urban development, has already resulted in koalas disappearing from 75% of their former range.

Populations were under serious threat from land clearing, disease, dog attacks and cars.

The Victorian Government is on the verge of establishing a new national park to protect their faunal emblem, the Leadbeater’s possum. Yet here in New South Wales and across Australia, the koala, our national icon is declining rapidly. Please don’t stand by and watch this happen.

Large  protected areas like the Great Koala National Park remain the single most effective tool for conserving biodiversity worldwide.

The proposed 315,000-hectare national park would protect the Bellingen-Nambucca-Macleay and the Coffs Harbour-Guy Fawkes koala meta-populations. It is estimated the area outlined for protection contains 4500 – or 20 per cent – of NSW’s remaining koalas. The proposal would add about 176,000 hectares of state forest to the existing 140,000 hectare local national parks estate.

Please consider that this new reserve would not only protect two nationally significant koala metapopulations containing 20% of NSW’s remaining wild koalas, but also the many threatened species that share their home, such as the Spotted-Tailed Quoll, Hastings River Mouse and Powerful Owl.

The short-term gains of unsustainable forest logging are far outweighed by the economic, social and biodiversity benefits the new park would bring.

I urge you to commit to creating the Great Koala National Park so that future generations can enjoy koalas in the wild, as we do today.

Sign the Petition

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Logan & Albert Conservation Association


Dear Minister Hunt,

Please reject the development application for the proposed North Maclean Enterprise Precinct at North Maclean, South-East Queensland which involves clearing 289 acres of koala and quoll habitat.



Why is this important?
Since 1996, the environmental concerns raised by the community at North Maclean and Munruben have never been addressed. There have been numerous sightings of vulnerable Koalas on and around the property. There have been numerous sightings of endangered Spotted-Tailed Quolls in adjacent properties – these quoll sightings have been the first in the Greater Brisbane Area since the 1930s . Quoll roadkill has been collected from the area confirming the presence of quolls in this area. The proposed site provides valuable habitat for koalas, quolls and other threatened species including the endangered grey headed flying fox, the Swift Parrot and the vunerable Glossy Black Cockatoo.

There have been no detailed impact assessments of industry on these vulnerable/threatened species. No frog or reptile studies have ever been carried out.

By signing the petition, you are asking Minister Greg Hunt to REJECT the North Maclean Enterprise (Industry) Precinct proposal. You will be giving our unique Koalas, Spotted-tailed Quolls and other endangered/Vulnerable wildlife of North Maclean and Munruben a chance of survival.


If this development application is approved at North Maclean, 117 hectares (approx. 289 acres) of koala food and shelter habitat will be totally cleared. The major threat to koalas is the loss of habitat. This vast proposed site is only 45% of what is eventually planned for the koala habitat of North Maclean. This current application is a dangerous precedent in the area that should not be approved.

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The site, owned by Wearco Pty Ltd, is subject to a Federal Government environmental assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act with a decision about the future of the corridor to be handed down on August 31.

The site is projected by Logan City Council to bring 27,350 jobs to the area and an estimated $1.2 billion a year to the ­region’s economy.

“Jobs” and “economic growth” are eating away at our environment and native species’ habitats.

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Stop the West Byron mega-development:Petition


This project will overwhelm Byron. It is a massive 108 hectare estate that will increase the current population of Byron Bay – 9,000 people – by 25-30%.

Byron already has major traffic problems. It’s an area of low employment because jobs are few and there is no infrastructure in place to support this kind of growth. We want people to visit Byron and not get stuck in traffic jams all year round.

This project has been taken out of the hands of Byron Council (who recommended against rezoning the land for development) because it is a “major project”. The developers of the site are requesting that the Department of Planning and Infrastructure rezone the land so they can go ahead with this mammoth project

The area is also key koala habitat that if destroyed will mean the decimation of our beloved and shrinking koala population. There is no plan of management for Koala Habitat Protection as required by State Environment Planning Policy.

Three-quarters of the site has acid sulphate soils which become toxic when drained.

Byron is unique among NSW’s coastal towns and its character is what brings people here. If that essential small-town relaxed community feel goes and is replaced by yet another Gold Coast-style over-developed crowded mess then everyone loses – visitors, business operators and residents.

Unfortunately koalas have faced a number of threats to their survival which has resulted in significant declines to their population across their range. This decline has resulted in the listing of koalas as a Vulnerable species under both the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and Federal Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. One of their biggest threats is urbanisation!

Don Page, you’re our local member. Please stop the despoiling of Byron Bay now!

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