Category Archives: … We must talk

Encourage respect, sharing the land and kindness for all our indigenous animals

What-you-can-do_feature image list-update

What you can do:

  • Don’t eat kangaroo meat, don’t feed pets or other animals kangaroo meat;
  • Check whether ‘k’ leather covers your favoured soccer, sports or other shoes;
  • Educate your local MP and media about this country’s world-leading wildlife slaughter; and
  • Pledge to never buy kangaroo products**.
> View list of companies that use kangaroo products.


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THANK YOU for ensuring the fight for our kangaroos and other wildlife continues and grows louder. Please help with a donation to our Australian Wildlife Protection Council (AWPC) today. Specify a particular campaign or state-based group if you want to direct your support there.

Animals-Austrlia-for-a-kinder-world** ANIMALS AUSTRALIA, is partnering with AWPC to unmask Australia’s hidden business of the world’s greatest on-land wildlife slaughter. They have a program going to add your voice by pledging to avoid kangaroo products.

Find it here:

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RSPCA wins applause for pulling kangaroo meat from its pet food offerings


IN EARLY OCTOBER 2022 mainstream media reports announced a major win for a citizen campaign led by wildlife advocates in Victoria and other states. The issue: destruction of kangaroos to benefit some agricultural businesses and to supply the voracious commercial pet food trade.

Reported the Herald Sun: “The RSPCA has pulled kangaroo meat from its pet food shelves amid animal welfare concerns and how the products were sourced.

“The Victorian branch of the society was selling a range of roo-based food products for dogs as recent as last week but has now removed them from sale.

“The RSPCA was under pressure from native wildlife groups who say Victoria’s culling of roos — 119,000 last year — was cruel.”


“The state government introduced the Kangaroo Harvesting Program in Victoria in October 2019 to shoot Eastern and Western Grey kangaroos for pet meat production.

“This year until the end of June, almost 40,000 roos have been killed.


“Tens of thousands of the macropods are also killed every year by property owners under the Authority to Control system.

Herald Sun subscribers can read MORE here >>

The Victorian Kangaroo Alliance which was active on this Victoria-focused campaign, congratulated the animal rescue organisation on its website, writing:

“We are delighted to announce that RSPCA Australia have made the decision to remove kangaroo products from their stores NATIONWIDE due to their concern about animal welfare in the kangaroo industry.

“A great number of individuals and organisations came together to raise our concerns with RSPCA and we are pleased that they have rapidly responded so positively. We thank them for listening and acting, and thank all those who contributed to this fantastic outcome.

“Let’s hope other stockists like Woolworths, Coles, IGA, Petbarn and Petstock (to name but a few…) will follow the example of the RSPCA and ditch cruel kangaroo meat.”

Read the blog about this win and check out other VKA stories from here >>



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Respect: First Voices


The Victorian Kangaroo Alliance has brought together a series of first nations’ voices and their understanding of kangaroo and sorrow at today’s aggressive commercial destruction.




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How they see Australia’s kangaroo trade





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