Leadbeaters Possum


Leadbeater?s Possum is at Risk of Extinction

The primary Victorian legislation to protect and conserve threatened species and ecological communities is The Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 (the Act).? Since the Act was passed in 1988, 653 plant and animal species, communities and threatening processes have been listed.

The primary aim of the FFG Act is aims to guarantee that all taxa of Victoria?s flora and fauna can survive, flourish and retain their potential for evolutionary development in the wild, and to ensure that the genetic diversity of flora and fauna is maintained.

We contend? that more effective? utilisation of the conservation measures available in the FFG Act 1988 would make a real difference to biodiversity conservation in Victoria. Moreover, failure to complete Action Statements renders the RFA (Regional Forest Agreement) Reserve System inadequate for the protection of endangered species, due to lack of information and management strategies.

The CAR (Comprehensive Adequate Representative) reserve system on paper, is designed to protect all biodiversity values in the Otways from logging practices based on best scientific information. However if the impact logging has on other forest values is not acted upon, then decreased levels of protection are what occur.

An analysis by lawyers at the Environment Defenders Office (EDO) found that of 599 threatened plant and animal species listed under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, only 270 have an action statement to manage their conservation as legally required.

Brendan Sydes, Chief Executive Officer and EDO lawyer found that Action Statements have still not been prepared for 374 of the 675 species, communities and processes listed under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, despite the clear legal obligation to do so.? In the past year, only one draft statement has been released.

At this rate, it will take the Government decades to fulfill their obligations,? said Mr Sydes.


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