Please reject burning and subsidising of native forest wood as renewable energy


Burning native forest wood for energy is not clean, renewable or green. Australian Government policy is currently not to allow renewable energy subsidies for native forest wood, but this is under threat. Further, logging native forest makes it MORE fire prone. It does NOT reduce risk.

picture8(image: torched and charred wildlife)

The woodchipping industry views burning native forest for electricity as a lifeline to enable continued destruction of Australia’s native forests as traditional markets for woodchips have collapsed. Protecting native forests is the quickest, safest and cheapest way to help stop climate change.

Letter to
Minister for Industry and Science The Hon Ian Macfarlane MP
Minister for the Environment Greg Hunt MP
Shadow Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water The Hon Mark Butler
Senator Dio Wang
Senator Jacquie Lambie
Senator Glenn Lazarus
Senator John Madigan
Senator David Leyonhjelm
Senator Ricky Muir
Senator Nick Xxenophon

Harriett Swift Bega, Australia

Sign the Petition:Please reject burning and subsidising of native forest wood as renewable energy

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