Please Speak Out for Kangaroos In NSW- Have your Say!
The AWPC is calling for all citizens to write to NSW ministers about the cruel treatment of kangaroos in NSW. We are hearing of horrible accounts of what is happening since Blair relaxed the cull regulations. Our wildlife is already suffering in the drought and they are being treated terribly now!
We have drafted a letter you can use and addresses below. Some background here:
Insert date
Insert name of Minister here
Insert position
Insert address
Insert email address
Insert your full name
Insert your postal address
Insert your email address
Insert your phone number
Dear insert title and name,
I am writing to you, as a voting citizen, with great concern about the welfare of kangaroos in NSW. Relaxing ‘red tape’ with regards to the conditions of an already under regulated and inhumane system of culling kangaroos is unethical and irresponsible.
Whilst the numbers of kangaroos on landowner’s properties is disputed, the number of culled kangaroos and joeys, that are now not being counted, is not only unscientific but potentially damaging to the whole species and ecosystems that rely on these animals.
Our national icon is not immune to local extinctions, as seen in many other states in Australia, and I fear that without proper regulation we have no idea how the species is faring in already difficult conditions.
The emotive rhetoric that these ‘protected’ native species are a ‘pest’ is just wrong and this is illustrated by the poor governance of the species. When times are ‘good’ the kangaroos are culled because their numbers are in ‘plague’ proportions but now in times of drought they are still being culled for their ‘high’ numbers and also for ‘their own welfare’. We believe that this continued assault on Australia’s kangaroos is based on a culture of misinformation, biased vested interests and untruths which unfairly maligns the species.
Instead of targeting kangaroos the current practices of poor land, water and climate management should be the government’s main policy focus.
I object and am outraged by the cruelty that this species has endured due to culling/harvesting and insist that if the system can’t be appropriately regulated for it’s humane treatment of animals it should cease immediately.
Yours sincerely,
Insert your name
Addresses for NSW Ministers to write to about NSW Kangaroo Culls
NSW Premier- Liberal
We can only email her website portal here:
The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian, MP
52 Martin Place
NSW Environment Minister- Liberal/Nationals
The Hon. Niall Blair, MLC
Minister for Primary Industries, Minister for Regional Water, and Minister for Trade and Industry
52 Martin Place
NSW Opposition Leader- Labour
Mr Luke Foley MP
Mezzanine Level Lidcombe Centre
92 Parramatta Road
Animal Justice Party
The Hon. Mark Pearson
Member of the Legislative Council for the Animal Justice Party
Parliament House
Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Christian Democratic Party
The Hon. Paul Green, MLC
Parliament House
Macquarie Street
CDP Fred Nile
Reverend the Hon. Fred Nile, MLC
Parliament House
Macquarie Street
The NSW Greens- Environment and Animal
Ms. Cate Faehrmann
Room 1146
NSW Parliament House,
6 Macquarie St
Sydney NSW 2000