Tag Archives: extinction

Our extinct Macropods – gone forever

Six species of macropod are already extinct and a number of species listed as endangered or threatened.  European settlement of Australia has worked against the survival of many native animals, including some species of kangaroo, in four main ways: fire patterns have changed, domestic stock have grazed large areas of native habitat, new predators have been introduced, and land has been cleared.  Seven are endangered, and about 18 are vulnerable for near threatened.

Seventy-six macropod species are listed, or in the process of being listed, on the IUCN red-list. A total of forty-two of these species, or more than 50 per cent, are listed as threatened at some level.

The Desert Rat-kangaroo –

has not been seen since 1935 and is considered extinct.  They were found only in Australia in ranges that have been much reduced by colonisation and the introduction of European farming practices, especially sheep grazing.

Desert Rat-kangaroo

(image: John Gould, and H C Richter, lithograph)

Toolache Wallaby 

The species tend to rest in woodlands and then graze at night in adjacent grasslands or grassy patches in the forest.


(image: http://tatumcoachallen.pbworks.com/w/page/23008949/keeney%20Toolache%20Wallaby)

By 1910, populations had been reduced to a number of scattered colonies in the area enclosed by Robe, Kingston, and Beachport on the South Australian coast, and Naracoorte and Penola further to the east, near Mt Gambier. By 1924 only one small group was known to survive on Konetta Station, about halfway between Robe and Penola. An attempt was made to transfer some of the population to a sanctuary on Kangaroo Island, but this failed. The last known survivor died in captivity in Robe in 1939 (Flannery 1990d).

Although the Toolache Wallaby was hunted for its beautiful pelt and for sport, the biggest factor in its decline was the extensive opening up of its habitat that resulted from the drainage and clearing of native vegetation.


Hare-wallabies look a bit like European Hares.  This group has severely declined with three of the eight or 38 per cent of the hare wallabies extinct and the remaining five all threatened or near threatened.

They also have the European Hare’s habit of hiding in tufts of grass. There are five known species of hare-wallabies. Of these, the Eastern Hare-wallaby (Lagorchestes leporides) is already extinct, and the Central Hare-wallaby (Lagorchestes asomatus) possibly so. Only one species, the Spectacled Hare-wallaby (Lagorchestes conspicillatus) is still widespread. Hare-wallabies mostly prefer tropical plains and grassland.

Eastern Hare-wallaby

(image: Eastern Hare Wallaby John Gould and H C Richter, lithograph)

Crescent Nail-tail Wallaby

These wallabies are so named because of the horny spur they have at the end of their tails. There are three species of nail-tail wallabies.  The Crescent Nailtail Wallaby (O. lunata) is extinct.


(image: By John Gould – John Gould, F.R.S., Mammals of Australia, Vol. II Plate 55, London)

 This species was likely extirpated by predation from introduced foxes and cats. Habitat degradation, including changing fire regimes and the impact of rabbits and introduced stock, may have had an impact. In part of their range (south-western Western Australia and parts of New South Wales), pastoral expansion were likely to have been detrimental to the species.


Of all 10 types of bettongs four are extinct, three are threatened and three are considered to be at low risk of extinction.  Two species, the Burrowing Bettong and Woylie (B. pencicillata), have been successfully reintroduced to large properties in their former range where they are protected by a boundary of predator-proof fencing.
The introduction of the red fox and European rabbit to Australia led to the extinction of the mainland subspecies of Eastern Bettongs during the 1920s.  The Tasmanian (or Eastern Bettong) was once present in both Tasmania and from South Australia to Queensland but is now extinct on mainland Australia.


Of all five types of potoroos, one species is extinct.

Gilbert’s Potoroo was thought to be extinct since the early 1900s. Then in 1994 they were rediscovered at Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve near Albany, Western Australia.

The Broad-faced Potoroo (extinct) was collected from the Western Australian wheatbelt and east of Albany. Fossil evidence suggests it was once distributed throughout much of semi-arid south-western Western Australia and coastal South Australia.  It was apparently extinct well before foxes arrived in Western Australia and before widespread land clearing. Its disappearance may have been due to predation by feral cats.


(image:  John Gould“Mammals of Australia”, Vol. II Plate 70 http://museumvictoria.com.au/bioinformatics/mammals/images/Hyp_plat.htm)

Lesser Bilby

The Lesser bilby (macrotis leucura), also known as the yallara, the lesser rabbit-eared bandicoot, or the white-tailed rabbit-eared bandicoot.  Trappers, predators, including the Aboriginal population, and territorial competition from rabbits forced the lesser bilby into extinction before it could be fully studied.

Recorded as a living animal on just a handful occasions between its discovery in 1887 and its extinction in the 1950s.  Unlike the gentle and still surviving common bilby, it had a nasty temperament. It was said to be ‘fierce and intractable, and repulsed the most tactful attempts to handle them by repeated”.  Distribution: Central Australia. Last Record: 1950s.


European settlement of Australia, and the exotic predators and herbivores they brought with them, caused rapid widespread biodiversity loss. As a result, for the past 200 years Australia has had the highest mammal extinction rate in the world.

The Kangaroo Trail- rootourism

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Victorian state emblem Leadbeater’s possum pushed closer to extinction

Victoria’s state animal emblem, the Leadbeater’s possum, is set to be formally recognised as being on the brink of extinction. But the state government has again stopped short of backing a new national park to protect the Leadbeater’s habitat, which conservationists and many scientists say is crucial to ensuring the species’ survival.

The species lives primarily in the ash forests and sub-alpine woodlands of Victoria’s central highlands, with a small lowland population to the east of Melbourne.

In face of this challenge, Environment Minister Lisa Neville will instigate more surveys, without actually promoting what’s actually needed – a new National Park! More paper-shuffling, procrastination, political spin and riding roughshod over the best advice, but no actual progress in protecting our State’s dying emblem from the threatening process – logging!

This Fairy Possum is so elusive it was thought to be extinct until it was re-discovered in 1961. It’s endemic to Victoria. We all know what needs to be done to save it… the extinction of the species is entirely preventable. Australian Paper’s ongoing use of wood pulp from VicForests, which fails to meet sawmill production quality standards, is sourced from known Leadbeater’s possum habitats. Populations of large, old trees necessary for the survival of Leadbeater’s Possum (and many other vertebrates) are crashing to historically low levels. Unburned and unlogged old-growth forest now covers just 1.16% of the mountain ash forest estate – probably the most limited extent in the evolutionary history of this tree species.

Leadbeater’s Possum is an arboreal marsupial with soft grey fur. It has a prominent dark brown stripe along its back and is pale underneath. Its ears are thin, large and rounded and it grows up to 17 cm in length. Its thick tail grows to 18 cm in length. A wildfire in 1939 created suitable habitat for the Leadbeater’s Possum’s current range and led to a peak in population numbers, estimated to be about 7500 individuals in the early 1980s. This population estimate is predicted to undergo a 90% reduction by 2025. Nobody would call this population dwindling “sustainable”.

According to official State government sources, the Victorian Government is committed to supporting the recovery of the State’s faunal emblem – the endangered Leadbeater’s Possum.

The Leadbeater’s Possum Advisory Group was established in 2013 to provide recommendations that support the recovery of the possum, while in an apparent oxymoron, is committed to maintaining a sustainable timber industrythe same “sustainable” timber industry that’s largely wiping out the species!

In a great twist of irony, a mixture of oxymorons, and loaded contradictory terms, the government is trying to “save” the Leadbeater’s Possum, whilst at the same time preserving the environmental and socio-economic values of our logging the old-growth forests – their home! Surely the species dependant on the forests are integral to their environment, and can’t be surgically dissected from logging profits! Wonder what the important “socio-economic” values of the logging industry are if it destroys our own State’s native emblem in the process?  More like bulldozer diplomacy.

New measures by our State government include VicForests commencing a program of remote camera surveys to look for Leadbeater’s Possum colonies in targeted areas planned for harvest, that will complement existing measures such as the protection of habitat and retention harvesting in forest outside of the reserve system. (Premier of Victoria media release: Protecting Victoria’s Iconic Leadbeater’s Possum Friday 17 April 2015)


(image: George is a taxidermied male Leadbeater’s Possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri) that Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum uses for it’s educational work concerning this threatened species. George was found dead but intact on the side of a logging road about 2011 in the Victorian Central Highlands. It is assumed that George’s home in the mountain ash (Eucalyptus Regnans) forests was a victim of logging, and as his home was being carted away he fell off the logging truck.)

They are going to great length to preserve their political integrity, and their reputation as being environmentally friendly, with a “proud history of protecting and enhancing the natural environment”… but fall short of actually ending the timber harvests in the Central Highlands of Victoria the Leadbeater Possums rely on!  You can’t keep your cake and eat it too.

The proposed Great Forest National Park park would add 355,000 hectares of protected forests to the existing 170,000 hectares of parks and protected areas in the Central Highlands of Victoria by amalgamating a group of smaller parks. The park would stretch from Healesville to Kinglake in the west, through to Baw-Baw plateau in the east and north to Eildon. A new national park is needed not only to conserve possums and forests, but to protect carbon stocks, water supplies and lower the risk of bushfires. Surely such a new forest National park would be a win-win for Victoria, on numerous levels, and embrace much more socio-economic values that VicForests’ destructive logging “harvests”.

Numerous conservationists and scientists – including Sir David Attenborough and Dr Jane Goodall – have supported a campaign to set up the “Great Forest National Park” in the region, which would encompass much of the highlands forest.  The value of the forests for their natural qualities can’t be seen for the dollars worth of the trees!

The Australian Greens say that the Future of our forests treated as little more than garbage. The time has come to acknowledge that Regional Forest Agreements have failed to protect our carbon stores, our water catchments, our local jobs and communities, and so many of our unique plants and animals,” said the Greens forests spokesperson Senator Janet Rice. “We’ve seen the impact Regional Forest Agreements have had on the decline of the Swift Parrot in Tasmania and the Leadbeater’s Possum in Victoria – they are both hurtling towards extinction”.

Letterboxing for the Great Forest National Park– The Wilderness Society.


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