Tag Archives: kangaroo meat

GREAT NEWS! German supermarkets drop Kangaroo meat


German retailers Kaufland, Real, Lidl, and V-Markt and pet-food manufacturer BEWITAL have agreed to stop selling kangaroo-meat products. The news comes after a joint letter signed by several organisations, including PETA* Germany, informed them about the cruelty inherent in kangaroo hunting in Australia.

Cruel Slaughter

In Australia, more than 1.5 million kangaroos are shot every year to make pet food, steaks, and leather products. Hunters shine blinding lights and fire rifles at dusk when kangaroos are grazing peacefully. Then, the injured animals are decapitated or hit sharply on the head before their flesh is butchered and their skin is torn off so it can be exported and made into accessories often labelled as k-leather.

Following graphic photos of charred kangaroos and reports that huge swathes of their habitat were decimated by recent bushfires in Australia, putting them under ever-increasing pressure, more and more people are demanding an end to the government-sanctioned slaughter. We’re delighted that these German supermarkets have made the right decision to end their involvement in this barbaric killing.

By PETA (*People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), 19 Nov 2020.

IMAGE: Vladislav Jirousek, Dreamstime.

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German supermarket chain Lidl has recently started offering kangaroo meat for sale in Croatia.


Sime Validzic is a long-term member of the AWPC and a generous donor to the cause of providing a voice for wildlife. Sime lived in Australia from 1970 to 1992 and returned to his country of origin because in his words: I did not wish to be part of a country in which there is large-scale destruction of natural habitats, logging of forests and extermination of native animals.

So, it was very alarming (for Sime) to discover recently that Lidl was selling kangaroo meat in in Croatia. He contacted the supermarket, and it is with his permission that AWPC is publishing his letter to Lidl. If you have family or other connections with this beautiful country, please also consider adding your objections.

Lidl CROATIA Pty. Ltd.

 e-mail: kupac@lidl.hr

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to ask that you stop supporting the killing of kangaroos and that you stop selling kangaroo meat in your supermarkets.

Kangaroos and other native animals do not exist just to be killed by humans, but they have an intrinsic value and should be able to live in their homeland as they have done for millions of years.

Drought and the fires across Australia in early 2020 have devastated populations of kangaroos and other native animals. An estimated 1 billion vertebrate animals have died. It is unacceptable that kangaroos who survived the fires may now be killed for meat.

Great news! German supermarkets drop kangaroo meat

Killing kangaroos is cruel. Kangaroos are shot at night in the remote outback where nobody can monitor the shooting. The national ‘Code of Practice for the humane killing of kangaroos’ is voluntary and there are no penalties for not complying. Adult kangaroos are shot and dragged to trucks, struggling and still conscious. Some are still alive when their leg is cut open, a large hook inserted through the gash, and they are hauled up onto the truck. Their throats are slit and they bleed to death. Baby joeys are killed after their mothers are shot. The method of killing these baby animals is to chop off their head with an axe, or for them to receive a blow to the head with a heavy blunt instrument. Female kangaroos often have a joey who no longer lives in the pouch but still needs its mother for milk and protection from predation and to learn life skills. When a shooter intrudes on a family unit and shoots the mother, this joey hops away frightened and will die a slow death due to starvation, capture by a predator or being eaten by ants.

Kangaroo shooters kill the largest and physically superior individuals first since they are paid per kilogram. Over time, this weakens the population structure so much so that a smaller, genetically weaker species remains, which reduces its survival ability and strength. Killing kangaroos destroys the social group and causes suffering to the surviving members.

Killing kangaroos is unsustainable. Populations are estimated by flying aircraft over transect grid lines and then multiplying the number of counted kangaroos by various correction factors. Only a third of the area is counted each year, on a rotational basis. Kangaroos are mobile animals, but the count may be spread over three years. This means that an animal can be counted twice; hence it is possible to overestimate the population and therefore any quotas for killing purposes.

Six kangaroo species are already extinct with 17 more species listed as endangered or vulnerable. Australia has the worst record in the world when it comes to animal and plant species extinctions. The kangaroo slaughter is the largest massacre of wild land animals ever to take place in the world, like the massacre of the American bison at the end of the 19th century.

Kangaroo meat is not a healthy alternative to other meats due to contamination. That happens quite often due to the way kangaroos are processed in the wild. The shooter is not trained, nor does he have the ability to cleanly gut the kangaroo after spending a night shooting. Carcasses often contain worms and they are left wide open to contamination. That happens at temperatures which promote bacteria and pathogen growth. The chillers have been shown to be unreliable when it comes to keeping temperatures low enough to kill bacteria. Swab results revealed contamination of carcasses with the bacteria E. coli, Streptococcus and Staphylococcus.

Indigenous Australian Elders oppose the commercial killing of kangaroos and other native animals. Although Indigenous Australians hunted kangaroos in the past, there is no excuse to do it today because the present human population of Australia is about 100 times larger than it was before the white colonization.

Kangaroos could never replace more than a small percentage of present meat consumption because it would be necessary to kill the entire population of kangaroos in a single year for that. However, the healthiest and most sustainable solution is to replace meat with vegan food made from raw materials that are grown in Europe.

Offering kangaroo meat may attract a small number of customers but it will turn away many others who care about native animals.

As far as I know, no other supermarket chain in Croatia sells kangaroo meat. Supermarkets in Belgium have recently stopped selling kangaroo products and, hopefully, those in, other European countries will follow. All supermarket chains in Great Britain stopped selling kangaroo meat about 20 years ago but “Lidl” started selling it 8 years ago and there is a campaign by animal protection organizations to stop the selling of kangaroo meat.

I hope that you end your involvement in the slaughter of the native animals and stop selling kangaroo meat.

Yours sincerely
Sime Validzic

IMAGERY: Illustrative only.

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Don’t eat kangaroo ‘bushmeat’ and why


Since COVID19 hit the global human community, it has become apparent even to governments, that eating wildlife is one sure risk factor for zoonotic (jump from animal to human) diseases. Bushmeat that is killed in unsanitary field conditions has additional risks for consumption by humans and their pets.  Here’s our story why:

What they don’t report about kangaroo meat for you and your pets.

The ABC, SBS and other media uncritically repeat claims and promotion from the kangaroo-killing business. Yet many country folk don’t eat kangaroo because of ‘the worms’. And Indigenous people have other reasons as well. Ro Godwin provides some facts and comments.

KANGAROO MEAT, it’s high quality, it’s good for your health … it’s good for your pets, and … insert latest health fad here … etc, etc, etc.

Welcome to the world of the Kangaroo Killing Industry. It’s what the Kangaroo Killing Industry and their affiliates don’t tell you that is of greatest concern.

As an Indigenous woman, I’ve been exposing the Kangaroo Killing Industry for decades and I’m always amazed at the spin people blindly believe about kangaroos including that “Indigenous people ate them for thousands of years”.

No, actually many of us didn’t and indeed don’t.

You see, Kangaroo are a Sacred Totem Animal to many of we Indigenous people. They are a Creator Spirit and The Dreaming of Country and holding Kangaroo as Totem means for many Indigenous people we never ate it, or eat it … ever.

Thriving on ignorance

Generalised ignorance is what the Kangaroo Killing Industry thrives on and they run a mile when asked why they don’t have warnings on their packages regarding very real and justified concerns about kangaroo meat.

They think ongoing international trade or supermarket bans against the Industry based on inherent cruelty, unsustainable slaughter and ongoing meat contamination issues is nothing to worry about … oh really?

Worms for example. Kangaroo meat carries a naturally heavy parasite load — a single Western or Eastern Grey Kangaroo can be infected with up to 30,000 parasitic worms from up to 20 different nematode species, according to a summary report on the relevant research.

Epidemic and other diseases. Over the years epidemics have wiped out many millions of kangaroos. In Western NSW in 2016 millions of kangaroos died from an unknown uncontrollable disease that is still undiagnosed, yet state and federal governments and the Kangaroo Killing Industry continue to slaughter kangaroos and sell the meat to consumers. [Ed note: There is some evidence gathered by a vet and pathologist from NSW western district that goats with similar symptoms of this still un-identified disease crosses the species barrier.]

If there was an epidemic in the animal agriculture industry, there would be thorough investigations, but not with the Kangaroo Killing Industry!


Kangaroo slaughter. Image IFAW.

Wild ‘game’ kangaroos can harbour a wide range of bacterial, parasitic and fungal diseases. The potential transfer of ‘zoonotic’ pathogens between species is possible but not well researched.

Toxoplasmosis and Salmonellosis — two bacterial infections affecting kangaroos and human health. The infections can spread to humans through the handling, processing or consumption of infected kangaroo meat. Independent analyses from the past 20 years consistently turned up kangaroo meat that harboured the salmonella bacterium and other bacterial contaminants. This comes from the way that shooting and transport in the wild occurs.

Slaughtered kangaroos are “transported in the open air, gathering dust and flies”; stored in field chillers; and may not be transported to processors for up to 14 days after being shot.

The fact that kangaroo shooters are being instructed to spray down kangaroo carcasses with acetic acid (combats pathogens) is also kept well hidden from you, the public.

The cyst-forming tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus entered Australia on sheep and now affects Kangaroos as intermediate hosts.


For too long this brutal Industry of wretched animal cruelty has crept along under the radar, the time is long overdue for this slaughter of The Dreaming to be shown in all its reality. For you and your pets — buyer beware.

FEATURE IMAGE: Seen on supermarket shelves.

Long-ignored (by authorities) KANGAROO DISEASE: THE THREATS
By ThinkKangaroos, University of Technology Sydney

Mother Nature fights back
By Maria Taylor, AWPC

By Kangaroos At Risk

Mystery kangaroo killer leaves experts baffled*
Millions of kangaroos have died in NSW in the past year as a ­result of a mysterious illness that has left experts baffled … “It’s a disease, it’s not a genetic problem. We haven’t been able to find a bacteria, we haven’t been able to find a virus … Parasites, they aren’t part of it.”

By Sam Buckingham-Jones, The Australian*. 27 December 2017


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There is a big difference between animals slaughtered in an abattoir with an inspector present and a kangaroo shot in the bush among the dust, dirt and blowflies without any supervision. Ante mortem inspection that excludes animals that are showing signs of disease, is carried out by shooters who are more interested in numbers than health issues.

  • The kangaroo meat industry’s failure to adhere to hygiene regulations is placing public health at extreme risk.
  • Dangerous levels of salmonella and E.coli have been found in kangaroo meat on sale at retail outlets and destined for human consumption.
  • The industry is failing to adhere to the Australian standard which determines the conditions under which the animals are harvested, transported and stored.
  • There is no enforcement of these standards.
  • Most of them don’t know what they’re doing.

1. To rid meat of salmonella and other pathogenic bacteria, while cooking, the deep muscle tissues must reach at least 60 o C . But the tradition of serving kangaroo rare to avoid toughness means it is unlikely to reach such a temperature in the deep tissues.

2. As well as poisoning from salmonella and E.coli, diners on kangaroo meat sourced from unhygienic environments, also risk contracting other pathogenic diseases, including toxoplasmosis, which can result in foetal death or birth defects in affected women. e.g. a pregnant woman ate kangaroo meat and contracted toxoplasmosis, which was transmitted to her unborn baby. Her baby was born blind.

3. Until the shooters are required to protect the carcases while being taken to the refrigerated storage units there will always be contamination from contaminated dust.

4. The time taken in summer temperatures after the first kangaroo is placed on the outside of the truck until it reaches the refrigerated unit must cause the temperature to be in the extreme danger zone for multiplication of all pathogens. This can only be prevented by shooters carrying the carcases in refrigerated properly constructed units.

In May 2010 their Sydney office was raided by NSW & Queensland police after accusations by the industry that activists had broken into chillers in northern NSW and southern Queensland and contaminated carcasses. Animal Liberation’s spokesman, Mark Pearson, denied the allegations and said all the chillers accessed were unlocked at the time the samples and video evidence were taken. Police said their investigations were continuing and no charges had been laid over twelve months later.

The video footage showed paws and necks touching dirty floors stained with old blood, and fresh blood, kangaroo carcasses crammed so close together that it would be impossible for cool air to circulate adequately. It is essential that kangaroo carcasses in chillers have adequate space to allow the cold air to make contact with the whole carcass that still has not had the skin removed.

Shipping containers are not suitable for refrigerated storage units.
The videos also showed that a kangaroo shooter had blowflies and other insects in the spotlight and there were carcasses hanging on the back of his truck while driving along dusty dirt roads. The dust on the roads contains decomposing vegetable matter, dried faeces of farm animals and kangaroos as well as the dried blood of kangaroos from previous shootings carried on the trucks. The dust must be responsible for the high microbiological numbers.

The kangaroo industry has always claimed that kangaroo meat is the most healthy of meat because ot the low fat content. Recent reports challenge this claim. See (www.australiansocietyforkangaroos.com/not_so_green.html) and the following quote:
“ Executive chairman of Obesity Australia and Professor of Medicine at Monash University John Funder said given that kangaroos had more L-carnitine per gram than any other red meat, consumers should be wary of excessive consumption”. He said companies selling the meat may also have to reconsider how they market it, given that it is widely perceived to be healthier than other red meats.


(“Kangaroo steaks on sale” by Maksym Kozlenko – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons – https://commons.wikimedia.org)

In 2009 dogs and cats were reported to be suffering from thiamine deficiency. The Author and Richard Malik,of Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science, the University of Sydney investigated these cases and wrote an article tiled: Thiamine Deficiency Due to Sulphur Dioxide Preservative in “Pet Meat” – A Case of Déjà Vu.

Firstly, we should advise consumers not to be seduced by the claims on the packaging. Most owners of companion animals wish to do the best they can for their pets. They are told that the contents of ‘pet mince’ and ‘food rolls’ are nutritious and provide the best quality meat for the animals. Furthermore, they are often cheaper than fresh meat fit for human consumption, more convenient to buy and sometimes do not require refrigeration. Owners should be informed that because there is no legal requirement to state the presence preservatives in these foods, their presence is not invariably advertised on the label.

Secondly, we should explain that the use of preservatives does not prevent spoilage or putrefaction, but that rather it only masks the most revealing signs viz. the unsavoury odour and brown discolouration of the meat.

Thirdly, we should draw pet owners’ attention to the fact that ‘pet meat’ has not necessarily been subjected to the stringent meat inspection and processing assessment that occurs for meat designated for human consumption.

by Des Sibraa, a former NSW Meat Inspector who has seen it all first hand.

by R Malik – ‎2005 – ‎Cited by 8 – ‎Related articles
Aust Vet J. 2005 Jul;83(7):408-11. Thiamine deficiency due to sulphur dioxide preservative in ‘pet meat’–a case of déjà vu. Malik R(1), Sibraa D.


Featured image: “Kangaroo Meat” by Eric in SF – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons – https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kangaroo_Meat.jpg#/media/File:Kangaroo_Meat.jpg

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