Europe is rejecting kangaroo meat, skins

An update from film-maker Mick McIntyre
IN THE MIDST of the tragedy unfolding around us I wanted to send some good news.
As you know when we toured Europe with (the movie) KANGAROO a Love Hate story we engaged some fantastic NGO’s to work on a kangaroo campaign.
Well the resulting campaigns in Europe are running fast. Here are some recent victories.
— The campaign is run by
All nine major supermarkets in Belgium have now STOPPED SELLING kangaroo meat. Lidl, Aldi, Colruyt, Delhaize, Carrefour, Makro, Spar, Cora, Match
Plus there is currently work going on in the Belgian parliament.
— The campaign is run by LAV.IT
- Fashion brands DIADORA has just stopped using kangaroo skins.
- Fashion brand VERSACE has just stopped using kangaroo skins.
- (GUCCI stopped using kangaroo skins over 12 months ago).
The campaign is now focusing on other big brands such as LOTTO.
Plus there is currently work going on in the Italian parliament.
— The campaign is being run by The Bridget Bardot Foundation
Bridget Bardot has written an open letter condemning the kangaroo killing.
— The campaign is b being run by Pro Wildlife and Tierschutzakademie.
More news on Germany to follow.
EU in Brussels
— The campaign is being coordinated by the EUROGROUP FOR ANIMALS.
More news on the EU campaign soon.
As you can imagine these victories are big steps into stopping the trade of all kangaroo products into Europe.
A huge thanks to Dror Ben Ami for all his work on this Europe campaign — and everyone else involved.
We have been making videos for the Europe campaign (big thanks to Greg and Dianne).
You can see them on KANGAROOSALIVE.ORG