Tag Archives: petition

Want to help? One way — sign a petition.


Protect our Koalas

Our koalas were devastated during the fires. Now logging might cost them what little habitat they have left. Can you sign the petition demanding the NSW Government take action now?

Petition: Protect our Koalas


Halt the Extinction of the Greater Glider

Australian Scientists have known that the magical and beautiful Greater Glider was on its way to extinction. Its been called a cross between a flying Koala and a Possum. In Conjola National Park NSW and the surrounding forests they were making a comeback. It had taken over 20 years. That was until the extinction event of the East Coast Bushfires 2019. Especially the Currowan Fire. IMAGE: Hans and Judy Beste.

> Link to PETITION UPDATE  [27 May 2020, Bill Eger].

Petition: Halt the Extinction of the Greater Glider


Toxic poison including 1080 is used to kill Dingoes

Sign the Change.org petition #BAN1080

     — and PASS IT ON.

UPDATE: Save Mt Lofty Koala Habitat
(Toowoomba, Qld)

It’s not quite over yet folks, stay tuned.

> View original story here.

Close all Wildlife Trading Markets Globally

The COVID-19 pandemic is thought to have emerged from a wet market for wildlife in Wuhan, China. If so this cruel and dangerous trade is culpable for millions getting sick and dying, workers losing their jobs and businesses going broke.

Click on heading below to link to more petition information.

Petition: Close all Wildlife Trading Markets Globally


Stop Kangaroo Cruelty in NSW!

This petition was started by the AWPC in 2019 to appeal to the NSW Government and Opposition andis now appealing to the NSW Environment Minister Matt Kean and the Premier Gladys Berejiklian to stop the practice of widespread, unmonitored shooting of kangaroos to please farmers. This is continuing despite the bushfires that have killed hundreds of millions of NSW’s native animals, with remaining populations uncertain.

    > Read more here.

Sign the petition here.


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UPDATE: Save Mt Lofty (koala habitat) Toowoomba, Qld.


It’s not quite over yet folks, stay tuned

I’m Penny and I wrote the Mt Lofty koala petition — thank you for sharing it. In response to your query, this is the story!

What happened:

DHA said that they had withdrawn their Masterplan for 342 houses.

This turned out to be sort-of true.

They have ditched the big development, but they did not withdraw their plan. They have kept it current under the same development assessment number. This means that they can submit a new plan without going to the public and submissions are disallowed.

We have approached council re[garding] this and asked that any new plans must be go out to submission.

However, DHA has stated that they will put forward a much smaller development and that they won’t clear all/most of the critical koala habitat. So yes, it is a win. But it also depends what they do next … so we are keeping a good eye on them!

— Cheers, Penny. 16 April 2020

UPDATE: Toowoomba koala habitat Mt Lofty

A big hello to all our wonderful supporters!

Mt-Lofty-reprieve-Feb2020Today we woke up to this headline on the front cover of our local paper: DHA Ditches Mt. Lofty Plan. 

342 houses will no longer be built on this precious land. There is still some way to go on this, as all this really means is that the original plan has been withdrawn. It remains to be seen what will emerge in its place. However, it’s a win and we are celebrating (we like to think the koalas are too, in their own secret way).

This petition shone a light onto our little neck of the woods, onto our koalas, onto our beautiful forested land with its creeks and waterfall, with its mists and endless views. We could NOT have done this without all the people, from all around our bruised planet, who cared enough to support us.

Let’s take strength from this and keep on fighting. Lets show the greedy, the thoughtless, the uncaring and powerful that we mean business. We fight. We don’t stop.


— The Save Mt. Lofty Inc Team, 21 February 2020

Petition to local council, ask state and federal officials to say NO.

Mount Lofty is a very special place, right on the edge of the Toowoomba Escarpment. It’s a place of forests, permanent springs and Toowoomba’s only waterfall.

We, the Mt. Lofty community, see and hear koalas here all the time. Malcolm and Belle have a special place in our hearts because they’re breeding right now. We want to see little baby koalas here. Australia needs that to happen very, very badly.

It’s not just koalas either. There are lots of other animals here too, such as echidnas, wallabies, kangaroos, goannas, small mammals, bats, reptiles and frogs. The bird life is amazing.

But that’s about to change.

This land has escaped the developers only because it’s an ex-Rifle Range and has been owned by the Department of Defence for over 100 years.

But now our Federal government wants to clear all the land that’s flat enough to build on, including 38 hectares (that’s 76 football fields) of Critical Koala Habitat. They’ll bulldoze the forest and cram the bare dirt with 342 houses and villas, on blocks down to 300m2.

Few of these houses are for the Defence force. An independent consultant says most of them will go to investors and second home-owners.

They even want their own special planning code so they can get away with it.

It’s not too late though!

Right now, the Toowoomba Regional Councillors have this application sitting on their desks. They have the environmental grounds in the planning code to reject this development and save the koalas, and all the animals, on this land.

The community has been fighting this for over two years now. Time is running out — the decision could come any time within the next few months.

Please tell the people doing this that we just cannot keep on this way. We have lost over a billion animals in the fires. Koalas are slow and many of them were burned to death.

We cannot afford to lose more animals, especially when this land was never paid for and doesn’t have to be destroyed for one-off financial gain.



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Birdlife Australia: Long distance champions flying into extinction

8 May 2015

While the world celebrates World Migratory Bird Day this weekend, BirdLife Australia’s Threatened Species Committee has released grim news confirming that seven of Australia’s migratory shorebird species are on a trajectory to extinction.

Australian’s love the battlers, and small-time heroes. These little birds seem insignificant, but they are amazing travellers, facing all the torrents of winds, seas, currents but face increasingly hostile and dwindling safe landings.

“Once common species like Eastern Curlew and Curlew Sandpiper are now Critically Endangered with Bar-tailed Godwit, Red Knot and Great Knot not far behind”, says Samantha vine, Birdlife Australia’s Head of Conservation. In 30 years these birds could be gone forever, and perhaps most alarming is the fact that the once numerous and widespread Red-necked Stint has moved onto the Near Threatened list. Modern Australia, the land of mammal extinctions, is now repeating their “success” with migratory birds!

Read also a previous article on our website: Disappearing migratory shore birds

“This miraculous bird, (Red-necked Stint) no bigger than a sparrow, is capable of flying more than 20,000 km each year. But like other migratory shorebirds, it needs Australia, China, Korea and other Asian nations to work together to protect the rich mudflats that fuel its migration,” continued Ms Vine. If they don’t have a safe stop-over point for rest and food, they die of starvation!
(image: Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis), Winter Plumage, Ralph’s Bay, Tasmania, Australia)

BirdLife Australia is not going to let these birds disappear without a fight. They are calling on the Australian Government to do more to protect migratory shorebirds at home and in Asia. BirdLife has launched a petition asking Federal Environment Minister, Greg Hunt to develop:

        • A strong national wetlands policy to address the cumulative impacts of multiple threats to our shorebirds (the ‘death by a thousand cuts’); and
        • An ambitious strategy to engage our international partners in the protection of habitat important to the survival of our shorebirds.

Wetland habitat loss and degradation is a significant threat to migratory waterbirds, and the conservation of important sites both within Australia and along their migration routes is essential to their survival. Many pressures are contributing to this degradation, of which population growth and associated coastal development are of particular concern.

Housing has become a major industry in Australia. As a result, important habitat is being lost to port developments, housing and industry in Australia each year. But it will also put a spotlight on communities taking action to protect the wetlands and shorebirds they love.

Please sign the petition, Shorebirds in Crisis

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Shenhua Watermark coal mine will destroy farmland and koala habitat

Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce, said “It is ridiculous that you would have a major mine in the midst of Australia’s best agricultural land,” Shenhua’s open cut coal mine on the Liverpool Plains in north-western NSW, which is one of Australia’s most productive farming areas.

The Liverpool Plains generally produce winter and summer crops, yielding about 40% above the national average of food per hectare and contributes approximately $332 million to GDP annually.

The mine’s owners have earmarked offsets to compensate for the wildlife losses, as if our native animals species were merely collateral damage. Most of the mine will eventually be “rehabilitated”, a spokesman for Shenhua said. The NSW Government approval failed to properly consider whether the mine was likely to significantly affect Koalas. If the mine goes ahead it will clear 847 hectares of koala habitat. Expecting them to “rehabilitate” is simply a throw-away line!


Australia, the land infamous for native mammal extinctions, continues to ignore our natural heritage and the welfare of our indigenous species. Australians are losing control of our sovereignty by the betrayal of greedy politicians, overwhelmed by short-term monetary gain at the cost of our long term future.

Coal mines are not energy investment of the future.

Show us you care about our country, our people, our farmers, earth and climate change.

Petition: Revert the decision to sell to China the Watermark coal mine

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Stop the Sanctuary Cove Kangaroo Cull

Five star luxury resort Sanctuary Cove on the Gold Coast have elected to use lethal means to manage the Eastern Grey Kangaroo population, despite having used a non-lethal management program for the past 10 years which has shown good effect in reducing the population. Instead, they have chosen to opt for slaughtering the kangaroos in order to curb the population growth of Eastern Greys at Sanctuary Cove.

Surely Sanctuary Cove boasts the beauty of the Australian bushland as they show a picture of two kangaroos on their website home page. so how do they justify the culling of our much-loved native symbol? Is this ironic, or hypocritical, that they use this world-famous symbol to lure tourists to their resort?

Sanctuary Cove however, have failed to maintain the program as often as it was needed and have now opted to take the unethical approach of culling up to two-thirds of its 300-350 population.

Sanctuary Cove has ignored expert veterinary advice, as well as animal and environmental advocates’ calls for non-lethal methods to be used, and has instead opted to take the unethical approach of the cull. Sanctuary Cove states that they are only targeting the sick, old, injured and aggressive.. this is a lie!

Kangaroos on Sanctuary Cove precinct on the Gold Coast are highly valued by residents and visitors. Sanctuary Cove have been provided with an ethical solution to the manage the population. The initial culling of 100 Eastern Grey Kangaroos (with more planned) is cruel and unnecessary.

Concerns have been raised that the indiscriminate culling will have significant ramifications for the intricate social and family structures of the kangaroo mobs, and may result in a further increase in kangaroo-human conflicts at the resort.

Sanctuary Cove has failed to demonstrate that non-lethal methods are ineffective. Please sign the petition to call on the Minister for Environment to immediately withdraw the Damage Mitigation Permit. This is a cultural and attitude problem, not an environmental one!

Please sign this Petition to let the Sanctuary Cove management know that this is not acceptable.

(featured image: EGK on the Gold Coast, Queensland)

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The Dingo Bounty – Victorian Labor’s Environmental Policy Amnesia – Political Opportunism Trumps Principle

The Andrews Labor Government has, in our considered opinion, just failed an important test of its integrity in relation to threatened species listings and biodiversity governance. Immediately prior to losing office in December 2010, the Brumby Labor government had finalized listing the dingo as a threatened native taxon under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act.

The current Labor government’s has, it seems, virtually trashed that listing, through the reinstatement of a ‘wild-dog’ bounty, which – it appears – directly panders to Victorian Upper House hunters and fishers members who were voted in on a relative handful of first preference votes. This now castes a shadow over the Victorian Government’s commitment to biodiversity conservation.

The broader significance of the dingo listing relates to the dingo’s pivotal ecological role as apex predator. Ecologists around the world are increasingly pointing to the importance of top predators for ecosystem stability at a time of environmental dislocation.

The bounty is, it would appear, a publicly subsidized membership recruitment drive for recreational hunting organizations because membership of such organizations is a precondition for permission to kill ‘wild-dogs’/dingoes and receipt of the bounty payment.

The Humane Society International has highlighted that there is no sound pest animal control justification for the bounty and that it will be environmentally harmful. The bounty of $120 per scalp will make no significant contribution to protecting farm stock from wild-dog predation.


Julianne Bell Secretary Protectors of Public Lands Victoria Inc. Mobile 0408022408 jbell5@bigpond.com


Petition Victoria’s Labor Party:

Victorian Labor Party Incites Dingo Genocide

And if a dingo isn’t considered 100% “pure”, containing genes from domestic dogs, should hybrids be managed differently to dingoes?

Research suggests “pure” dingoes do exist in Victoria, albeit in smaller numbers than other regions.  Two other recent studies are important in the Victorian context. One suggests dingo characteristics prevail even within hybrids and another has found there are two distinct dingo populations. Importantly, the south east dingo population is at increased risk of extinction.

(The Conversation: Why Victoria’s dingo and ‘wild dog’ bounty is doomed to miss its target By Euan Ritchie (Deakin University) and Arian Wallach (University of Technology Sydney)

There are a range of reasons cited for why bounties fail. These include:

  • an inability to sufficiently reduce numbers of the the target species and hence their impact, due to rapid breeding and/or immigration from other areas
  • corruption by those claiming bounties, whereby animals claimed for bounty payments have not actually been killed in the area where the bounty is intended to benefit
  • an inability to access some animals over large and/or remote areas
  • a disincentive to completely eradicate animals as this removes the source of income
  • disruption of predator social structures causing higher livestock predation.

Predator-friendly farming is growing across Australia, as you can see in the image above. Large livestock on large landholdings, such as beef cattle on thousands of square kilometre stations, are reducing conflict by enabling dingo packs to stabilize and by supporting healthier cows that are better able to defend their calves.


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