The Butchulla First Nations People of Fraser Island (K’Gari) and their dingoes, by Jennifer Parkhurst

Published by the Australian Wildlife Protection Council
‘We’ve all heard stories about the Dreamtime and anecdotal evidence told by the First Nations Peoples of Fraser Island and surrounds, that there was a deep relational bond pre-white settlement between people and their dingoes.
In this Booklet, Jennifer Parkhurst explores historical records, and interviews Butchulla Aboriginal Elders to reveal that the Aboriginal people did indeed have very close ties to their dingoes, considering them family members. The Australian Wildlife Protection Council Inc. applauds Jennifer Parkhurst for her knowledge about Dingoes and their pups after living with and photographing them on Fraser Island for 7 years. Her research and experience is as good as any scientist.
Therefore we were shocked and appalled to learn that The Queensland Government Department of Environment Resource Management prosecuted Jennifer for feeding starving dingoes on FI and she was fined $40,000. This is a disgrace and the fine must be rescinded!
Therefore we gave Jennifer our Conservation Award in 2012.
‘It is imperative, we believe, that the dingoes be allowed to co-exist with people on Fraser Island in their semi-domesticate state, and that the past – and present – relationship between people and dingoes be formally recognised.
‘We must not allow normal dingo behaviour to be so misinterpreted that the dingoes are killed. Dingoes are one with Fraser Island and the Aboriginal people; they must be protected. Maryland Wilson, President, Australian Wildlife Protection Council.
‘Jennifer Parkhurst was given the name ‘Naibar
Wongari Yeeran’ (meaning ‘our sister dingo woman’)
by the Butchulla people of Fraser Island, in honour
of her close relationship to the dingoes and her
efforts to save these precious, totemic animals.’
To purchase a copy of this wonderful new book for $27,
and help Jennifer spread the word about how important
our dingoes are, please Contact us at
Alternatively, make an order and pay through pay pal. Pay pal address is .
People can deposit the funds in the pay pal account and leave a message with their address, and how many books they want etc.
Cheques can be sent to Jennifer Parkhurst, c/o Post Office Rainbow Beach Qld 4581.
All proceeds of sales go towards publishing more copies of this book and spreading the word about
dingo conservation!