Category Archives: Membership

Our work is vital for the animals. If you have not already renewed your 2020–21 AWPC membership …



Dear Members and Friends of Australia’s Wildlife

A huge THANK YOU to those who have already renewed their support for the coming year. For many of you, this commitment reaches back into AWPC’s 50 year history of wildlife activism.

For those who may have missed our reminder — Membership renewals are now due (as of 1 July 2020) with contributions of $20; or $10 for concession.

NOTE: All members who joined AWPC from March 2020 will have their respective membership carry-over for the 2020–2021 year.

To renew your membership (or to update your details); or if you are a new member — please fill-in the digital form on our website by simply clicking on this LINK.

The support you all provide through membership and donations allows AWPC to continue to work with other wildlife groups; provide communications and media liaison; lobby government; produce publications; and initiate education projects. We are also interested in seeking sponsorship and affiliation with other conservation-focused organisations.

Tax deductible donations!
Your donations are needed for the important work we do for wildlife.
Donations can be made online

Over the past year AWPC has been active in making submissions to governments, submitting letters, and making personal approaches to agencies and politicians that are enabling the killing of our wildlife.

A lot of work has gone into revitalising our AWPC website and developing more social media information and education pathways, because ever more people use these pathways to information. Please visit and share the website and AWPC Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and help us improve them.

Members of the public continue to contact us, distraught about government activities like the spreading of 1080 baits in burned forests.

— Thank you everyone for caring about wildlife —

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Write to your State or Federal representative


Do you have something to say
(or ask of) your local State
or Federal representative

Download contact list here:
Conservation and Animal Welfare Ministers


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Please join the AWPC!

Become a member of the AWPC

THANK YOU for becoming or renewing as an AWPC member. This is a very real way that you are helping our precious fauna and supporting the work of the AWPC for wildlife across Australia.

Our membership and donors ensure we can continue our long-standing role as a national voice for wildlife, particularly in these very challenging times — continue educational and conservation projects, and continue to inform and consult with government agencies, non-government agencies and media. AWPC speaks out when injustices occur, and does not support government-sanctioned lethal management and commercial exploitation of wildlife, as now occurs.

We work together with like-minded wildlife organisations to protect our wildlife heritage and to promote sharing and healing and ecological understanding. Going forward, a goal is to focus on positive strategies that strengthen society’s appreciation for Australia’s unique wildlife and also secure homes/habitats for our remaining wildlife.

With AWPC you support compassionate stewardship of our wildlife on public and private land.

Membership: $20 full and $10 concession annually.  

Renewal notices at the end of the fiscal year.

How to become a member

Fill out the AWPC Membership Form and save file to your device.
— select the email address on the top of the form to open your email;
— attach your saved form;
— send email.
(payment options are included on the form).


Deposit your fee directly into our bank account
Account name:
Australian Wildlife Protection Council Inc.
BSB #:063535
Account #:10090791
Please use your name in the description field.


Pay online using our secure credit card payment portal.


Write to us with a cheque and your membership form:

Australian Wildlife Protection Council
PO Box 302
Bungendore NSW 2621


If you add a donation, any donation over $2 is tax deductible and we will send you a receipt.

The Australian Wildlife Protection Council is a registered charity
No. A0012224D
ABN 85 240 279 616


As a member you have voting rights at our Annual General Meeting held towards the end of every year. All are welcome. You will be updated on our activities through our website via Member News You are welcome to join in with ideas and actions.


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